Hanna : The Shock of Her Life

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It's really you. I waited for 5 years just to get to see you again J.

Hanna was barely holding up. A few seconds seem like a lifetime but she just couldn't alarm Jason nor give him a hint as to who the man he came inside with really is.  She's tapping her fingers to her sides now, growing impatient to the way her brother is leisurely taking his time and as soon as the door was shut, she just could not restrain herself anymore. She ran towards him. She slammed her body on him and placed her arms around his neck with her one hand holding the back of his head.

She was crying now. She missed him so much. She longed for him all these years.

"Hey" He softly whispered on top of her head; his hand stroking her cheeks. "Are you OK?" she heard him ask while she sobbed on his chest. 

"I'm sorry about what happened. Did I scare you baby?" the guy's voice was filled with confusion and care. She misses how he calls her that. Her eyes welled up again, when she felt his hands cup her face and turned it to face him. "Why are you crying? I'm sorry OK?" Tears started falling down in one steady stream hearing him apologize again. His thumbs kept catching her tears, scooping them gently towards her cheeks.

"I waited for you to come back" At last, she spoke. Her tiny voice cracked from the pain she felt. She was waiting for a good explanation that could take away all the hurt. A minute passed as she waits patiently.

"What do you mean?" She heard him ask, his voice sounded like he was dumbfounded. She thought for a while and then stepped a few inches away.

Hanna looked at him, confusion all over her face. He was looking back at her with questioning eyes. "What do you mean?" She found herself asking the same question.

"Babe, that's what I asked you. What do you mean you waited for me?"

"How can I not? This is..." She was losing control.

"OK, OK calm down, tell me then... Did we know each other?" He asked rather carefully but Hanna shot her head up and looked him in the eye, her ears started ringing. She threw him a bewildered look. She wanted to sit, her knees felt like giving way but she held herself up.

"You... You don't... remember me?" She said the words in between shaky breaths and whimpered at the last word. 

"I..." He looked like he was searching for words.

"Tell me J, don't you remember me?!" She asked in disbelief.

She watched as he raked his hair, blinked his eyes, dazed in confusion and then finally he faced her with sunken shoulders. She gave a defeated smile to which he responded with a sad sigh... "I really don't," He said softly.

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