Jared: The King is back

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"Guess who's baaaaack?!" His voice echoed loudly only to be engulfed by the sudden blasting of the speakers. Music filled the place and one by one, his friends started coming out of their hiding places. He expected this and he surely won't feign ignorance however he made sure he shows them how genuinely pleased he is. They all went to him one by one for a hug and he ceremoniously obliged.

"Hey, you look good!" Dan greeted him.

"Did you work out every day?" Mitch was eyeing his abs.

"Bruh, welcome back" - Drake said while they did the handshake.

"So how do you like the place?" Todd was obviously nervous so Jared flipped his head to look at the walls and gave him a reassuring nod.

"Bro, I missed you! I have a very special welcome home gift for you!!!" Cherry said gleefully while holding a smiling Dianne by the arms.

"Really? Wow, I'm curious." Jared said while his hands were placed on both the girl's shoulders and then eyed Steven behind the girls so he gestured for them to come go get some food already.

"She's been here, brother" - Steven whispered while they hugged. Before he could react, the man went to join the others so he was left wondering who he's referring to. A thought jolted him up. She's been here? Wait, what?! Who? Her? He turned to look over to where Steven is but Cherry pulled everyone together for a group photo.

The rest of the day was spent chatting, drinking and singing. As usual, Steven acted as the host, which made him practically unapproachable regarding things confidential and Jared thought that he might have just heard him wrong.

After some hours, Jared saw Cherry strutting her way from across the living area towards him. Clutching his arm, she pulled him out of the crowd. "Ok, it's time I present you my gift. Actually there are 8 of them, one on each wall" Her two arms held high towards the wall.

He went behind her, squinted and narrowed down his vision to the one she was pointing to and then seconds later everyone was startled by the sound of glass shattering to pieces.

He didn't flinch at all. He just stood there like a statue looking at the artwork that made his heart stop beating. She's been here, bro. He could hear Steven's voice as the memory played.

Jared could sense frenzy building around him. Two people stooped down, hurriedly taking care of the shards of what used to be the wine glass. Cherry's hands pulled him a few feet to her side where the floor was already all cleaned up. He could hear them calling him but their voices were muffled. He was still in a daze.

It was Steven who made him come back to life. "Are you Ok? I told you. Didn't you get what I said?" Finally Jared snapped back to reality. He looked at him.

"Good you're back; the guys are starting to wonder. That was an expensive crystal too" his brother whispered to his ear.

Upon seeing him back to his senses, Cherry snatched him from Steven and laughed out loud for everyone to hear. "Oh my... J! Did you like it that much?! Hahaha you scared the shit out of everyone!"

"Yeah, I was shocked by your gift actually. It's very interesting... and it..." He looked at the painting once more. "It speaks to me. Thank you, I really like it." He hugged her just so he could mouth the words 'My room, now!' to Steven without anyone seeing and the guy scrambled to obey.

"Sorry for making a mess, did anyone get hurt?" He turned towards the others to check. He was at a loss for words but he knows he gotta try. "Well... uhmm... You all know me, when I see something I like. I guess I must have forgotten I was holding a glass." Good enough recovery. Some laughed, others agreed by nodding.

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