Chapter 17 : Love is about to Bloom

Start from the beginning

Bheem and Yudhisthir looks at each other. Suthanu has went out on a father daughter date with Arjun. Arjun went in proper clothes because Shrutakarma looks like him. If anyone asks anything they can tell it's Shrutakarma not Arjun. But what will they tell Draupadi now?

"Rajkumari is with Brihannala," Bheem answered.

Draupadi nods her head. Suthanu is in safe hands. She doesn't need to worry much.

"Yuvani, after dinner all my sons and my daughter should be in my room. I have an announcement to make," Draupadi says.

"What announcement, Maharani?" Yudhisthir asks.

"Satya has send an official proposal for my Suthanu. She wants her for her son Bhanu. I want to know Suthanu's opinion," Draupadi smiles.

This is indeed a very good news no doubt and Suthanu is the age of getting married. But for some reason it wasn't for Bheem and Yudhisthir. They looked at each other concerned. Suthanu is getting married?

After dinner, five of them were in their mother's chamber. Suthanu was sitting beside her mother.

"Sit down all of you. I have an announcement to make," Draupadi says.

"What is it maa?" Shrutakarma asks.

"You beloved sister Suthanu has a marriage proposal worthy to consider. I wanted all of your decisions mostly my daughter's," Draupadi says smiling.

Suthanu paled. Who send her marriage proposal? Oh no....what will she tell Bhanu? She can't go against her mother. But if she doesn't she will lose her love.

"Who is it maa?" Prativindhya asks.

"My Satya's son Bhanu. Satya wants my daughter for her son," Draupadi says.

A relief washed over and shyness replaced on Suthanu's face. She lowered her eyes not being able to meet her mother. Draupadi chuckled and gently lifted her chin.

"Prati, your sister is suddenly so shy. She was pale as a ghost a few seconds ago," Draupadi teases.

"Yes, Mata. She is already blushing as a new bride. Just get her married to Bhanu already. He is sending her letters five time in a day already," Satanika smirks.

Suthanu gasps as her mouth fell open. How does he know that?

"What? You thought we didn't know? You think we don't know where you go and what you do?" Shrutakarma smirks.

"What was it, Karma? My beloved man Bhanu...." Shrutasena mocks.

Suthanu flushed ten times more. Her brothers know what she was writing in her letter?

Draupadi glared at Shrutasena playfully to make him and his brothers stop snickering.

"Putri, I want your opinion because that's what matters the most. If you don't want this marriage, I will turn down this proposal. Don't feel any pressure," Draupadi says softly.

"Maa....I... accept this.. proposal," Suthanu whisperes.

A smile spread on Draupadi's lips. She kissed Suthanu's head multiple times.

"Then we must get ready for your marriage. Putro, leave no stone unturn. She is the only princess of Devapath, only sister of you six brothers. Her wedding will be the grandest of Aryavarta," Draupadi announces.

Soon the news spread all over Devapath and soon Aryavarta. Panchal, Dwarka, Mathura couldn't be more happier. Finally a more strong bond will form between Yagnaseni and Vasudev.

Though the news had mixed reaction in Hastinapur. Bhism, Vidhur, Kunti were extremely happy. Their granddaughter marrying into Krishna's household in their greatest honor.

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