Prologue: Having Enough

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

To Quote from William Saffire: Don't expect the others to do the work for you, always do your work yourself. 

Issei looks down, at the party that was happening, this was due to the sealing and defeat of the Beast Of Apocalypse, known as Trihexa or 666, this was due to the party happening at the Hyoudou Residence. Everyone was present, from majority of the faction leaders to his 'friends', he noticed the Occult Research Club, Student Council and several of the other faction members as well. He was holding a glass of Diet Coke watching down. 

"Honestly, why do I even bother?" Issei asked with a disappointed sigh.

This party was for Issei, that is what many would think, however, that was not the case, it was for his Younger Brother Dai Hyoudou, the bearer of Crom Cruach, every single girl chose him, to be his lover no matter what happens. They think that he was the hero that fought their battles and defeated the beast of Apocalypse. 

Oh how wrong they were...

Issei was the one to fight all their battles, but every time, Dai took the credit for the battles, no matter how much he talked about it, many refused to believe it. So much so, that they considered him to be nothing but a liar and a deceiver. One might even think that he was hated, among the factions. 

Furthermore, Dai and his friends spread an infamous rumor of him being a pervert, this caused his life to worsen even more, no matter where he was, whether in the human world or the supernatural world, nobody listened, nobody accepted him, and hated him even more. 

Except for a very few people. 

One of them was Ddraig, his only best friend, initially their relationship was platonic, but eventually they became close friends, Ddraig was so much trusted, that he revealed his secrets to him, the trust was more than his own family. 

The other, was Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Night, one might even think that they are lovers, or at the very least those who know about him, that being only Ddraig and a few others, she had faith in him more than anyone else, it was because of his desire and determination to save Ingvild from her clutches, that made her fall for him. 

This made Nyx jealous, she never had anyone save her before, however, what happened next, angered her to no bounds. 

Ingvild, like the rest was, unfortunately manipulated by Dai into thinking that he was her, "Knight in Shining Armor", as a result, she hated Issei, which nearly caused him to fall into despair, Nyx was arrested, she last saw Issei having a look of complete sadness, she looked at him in the eye, before teleporting away. 

After a while, he started to visit her in secret, without anyone detecting him. And since nobody, would know of his disappearance, since many refused to care where he went. He managed to sneak in, and meet Nyx. 

During their fight, Issei noticed her jealousy, which he realized it later, as he wanted to ask her about it, when he got there however, he was surprised, by a hug from the Primordial Goddess, she had magic seals all over her body, to prevent her from escaping. Moments later, he reciprocated the hug, and they both had a nice conversation. 

There, he realized Nyx was always alone, not even her brother Erebus visited her, he never truly understood why she kidnapped Ingvild, but he assumed that because she wanted someone to talk to. 

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