Chapter 10

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"No, stop. I can't do this, it's not right". Sade struggled against her will. Mandraya Moon was there, in his mind. "No, stop". He just wanted to get back to reality, or at least back to the nice dream he was having about his dead mother.

"Come with me, you will be rewarded," she hissed. He fell over, and scrambled behind him, trying to find a wall to lean against. But all he could see was grayish blue tree roots, and dead animals all around him. It was the stuff of nightmares.

"Never, I will not betray the good people of the Sun Lands," he gasped.

"Yes you will, I own you," she hissed aggressively.

"The hell you do, leave me alone," he cried. She walked over to him and grabbed his arm, holding him down, "you will do my bidding, you will serve me forever," she snapped. She lifted his hand and some of the tree roots wrapped around his torso, making him breathe heavier.

He tried to think about his new life. He needed a savior, something to pull him back to reality. 'Adam, I'm sorry, I forgive you,' he thought, fighting the powers of Mandraya Moon. But it wasn't enough. He felt his self power dissolve into nothingness, like salt in water. But then, as he was drifting off into an unknown world, he thought of something. Her lips on his, the tingly feeling when they brushed against each other. He suddenly felt himself shift back into the dream, back from the unknown area he was being dragged too. "Emea?" He whispered.

"Who is this you speak of?" Hissed Mandraya Moon.

"Um, Lenaya, my cousin," he lied. She somehow believed him. She tried to pull him back to the unknown, but the image of Emea's smile brought him back to reality.

As he woke up, he sat up really quick and gasped very loudly. The rest of the med ward woke up and looked at him. Then they heard a shout. Everyone looked at Tulip, who was lying on the floor, frothing at the mouth.

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