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"I just don't see what women still need, to be equal," stated Talus, "You have equal pay now, and there's organizations to help women who still need help, and men like my father own these organizations," he stated.

"Talus Fire, this is a class for stating problems with school, not the world, and you are incorrect, we don't have equal pay, and we are still told to wear skimpy little dresses, that come up at our thighs, Talus you do not understand how you and other men have benefited from the patriarchy,'' said Mrs Foze.

Mrs Foze is Emea's favorite teacher, she was spot on with teaching, up to date on politics and current affairs, and she had a no nonsense policy for people like Talus.

"By all means Talus, if you think the world is equal then you should too wear a skimpy dress," Mrs Foze added. She whipped out her wand, twirled it around, and muttered something under her breath. Talus looked down at himself, and where his freshly pressed uniform had been was a yellow mini dress, with no straps, which came down to half his thighs. In clear vision were hundreds of long hairs down his legs. The whole class laughed, and after a few seconds it vanished and he was just in his jocks. His jocks had cars on them. Another few seconds later his uniform was back.

As proud as Talus is, he is a misogynistic bastard, who doesn't know right from wrong. As a child he was always the one being caught sneaking around, and looking in the girls bathroom. Emea had no time for this. She always dobs in boys like Talus to the head mistress. Though this made her unpopular with her peers some of the time, it made her and other students too, feel more safe and secure in school. Plus, as they live at the school, Talus would only have gotten worse throughout the years. Lucky the school has Emea.

"I just don't see why women aren't grateful, for all the supportive men out there, like me and my dad," Talus proudly said, tugging at his tie.

"Talus your dad is also a men's lawyer, he defends assault allegations and family murder trials, he is not the most understanding type towards women," said Ivis, Emea's best friend. Ivis and Emea met in the third grade, when Ivis moved to Arethusa Academy for the Gifted and Starborn, along with her wart of a cousin Talus. Ivis and Talus never get along, but neither do Talus and Emea.

"Emea Thorne to the Head Mistress's office please, Emea Thorne," Said a loud voice booming over the speaker.

"Maybe you were elected student captain," shouted Ivis loudly, making the whole class look in their direction.

"Probably not, I think a male figure like myself would be more appropriate, as there are more male students at this school, they would be more comfortable with a male leader," said Talus smirking.

"I would rather join the Zeta force, than go to school with you as captain," remarked Ivis. The class fell silent, as though her voice was a gunshot in a church.

The Zeta force was the dark side of magic. Only those who wanted to be executed and thrown in a dark abyss would join Mandraya Moon and her soldiers. Of course this couldn't happen because Mandraya Moon was banished to Emakay by her own sister Rilias the goddess of life, for trying to kill Rilias and overthrow her throne, and immortal beings like Mandraya cannot survive on Emakay, without someone reviving them. This would be a challenging thing to do too, because you need a Rose from Rilias garden, water from the lake of Rilias, and Rilias herself's blood, this all being said, you would need to find Mandraya first, and she was hidden by Rilias many suns ago. So reviving Mandraya would be almost impossible.

"Please do not joke about such things Ivis Mae, that is irresponsible and recalcitrant," boomed Mrs Foze. "Emea go to Headmistress Lytra's office immediately," she insisted.

Emea walked off with Talus smiling at her and waving. "It's good she is gone, she's just the dobber who makes up stuff about men," he lied. Emea walked off, a tear to her eye. She never wanted to be hated, she just wanted to have justice among her fellow students.

She got to the huge oak door of the head mistress's office, she knocked on the door using the big brass knocker, bang bang bang, it went. She could have sworn it was so loud she had woken Rilias. She leapt to the knocker and clutched it trying to muffle the sound. It was so big she had to jump to hang onto it, she took an exasperated jump backwards when she was swung into the room by the opening of the door by the headmistress.

"Mrs. Lytra, how may I help you?" She asked, smiling, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

"I am so glad you could make it, please come in," she smiled, opening the door even more. Emea walked into the huge room, the floor was embedded with diamonds, and million year old amber, each corner was decorated with a pillar, using three different types of wood. Emea gazed in awe at the beautiful architecture.

"So, you like my office?" Asked Mrs. Lytra beaming, as she picked up a box, it was about 30 centimeters give or take, it had gold finishings, and amethyst stones placed gently around the outside. It had Emea's name embellished in diamonds in a cursive font on the top. Emea stared at it. She knew what it was.

"This is for you Emea," said Mrs. Lytra.

"This is a, a, a wand," said Emea, startled by the gesture.

"Yes, open it up and take a look," Emea carefully undid the gold fastenings on the beautiful box, it had a slow automatic rise. Inside was a purple velvet lining, with a long birch wand inside. She could tell that it was a unicorn mane core, because it had a pearl handle. Emea picked it up, it was light, like a feather, it had a great feel, shiny, cold, smooth, and perfect.

The headmistress handed her another package. It was a big flat box, just big enough for a packet of A4 paper to be inside. The headmistress put it on her desk.

"But this all means..." Said Emea.

"Yes dear, you are the new captain," said Mrs. Lytra. Emea was so overcome with joy that she didn't know how to contain herself. So she did nothing, she just sat there looking at her wand, trying to focus herself so she wouldn't be thought of as irresponsible.

"How about you try on your captain's blazer?" Said the headmistress. Emea opened the huge box, and inside was the perfect deep purple blazer, a new model. Each year the school captain was examined about their personality and style, without their knowledge a new blazer design was made, and this year Emea's style was definitely shown. Along with the blazer was a fresh new pair of two inch high heels, some white stockings, a mid length purple, white, and gray gingham pleated skirt. There was a light gray sweater vest, and a clean bright new white collared shirt. She was imagining herself wearing this new uniform, and also the deep purple headband she had just noticed.

"Spiffy isn't it?" Mrs. Lytra asked.

"Spiffy indeed".

"Here is the belt, accessorized with a secure wand holder," said Mrs. Lytra, as she handed it to its new owner. Emea fastened it to her waist and was told to go into the next room to get changed. She looked absolutely stunning. Her hair fit perfectly behind the headband, the blazer was just the right amount of snugness, and her stockings looked great with her skirt top and vest. When she was back in the office, she put her new wand into the wand pouch, and clutched the box in her hands. The headmistress let her go to her dorm, as it was the end of the day. She was allowed to try some things out with her new wand, but to be very careful, because she didn't want to strain her powers.

Emea decided the first thing she would do with her wand was write a letter to her mum. She looked up a writing spell and said it while waving her wand around. Nothing happened, once again she said extrapolious writeous. Nothing. "Damn, I need some help". She sighed. Suddenly a piece of paper flew into her face and then fell down onto the table, five words were written there. Damn, I need some help. Emea laughed, she spoke to the paper and wrote.

Damn, I need some help.

Dear Mum,

I just wanted to say I got school captain. I wouldn't have done this without all your help over the years making sure I learnt right from wrong. If you didn't adopt me and have me as your own, I wouldn't be here at the academy at all, let alone the new school captain. I love you and miss you so much.

Please don't mind the first sentence, I am using my WAND for the first time, thus a mistake or two.

Love you only daughter Emea XX

Finished, done, stop, oh right...

"Writeous fineeto". It was cheesy, but she loved it none the less. 

Moon StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora