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A small limp woman wearing a brown shawl was hobbling through a forest, She came to an abrupt stop.

"Master, I have found you, after all these years". Said the small elderly woman, with yellowish skin, warts on her arms and beady little eyes popping out of her face.

"How did you find me?" Said the other woman, looking weak, and frail.

"I am part of you, they cannot keep me away from you".

"Of course, Chrys you ARE a part of me, a sliver of my flesh created you".

"Yes my queen, I spent all my time finding and stealing the items needed to free you". Said Chrys.

"Even the blood of my sister?"

"Yes, Mistress Moon".


"I crept into your palace, the hidden one no one knows about, I spent years trying to find a spell to open the portal to Andrayaka, and finally I did". Said Chrys evilly.

"But how did you get her blood Chrys?" Said Mistress Moon.

"While she was releasing her magic to her offspring down on Emakay".

"Because she had no feeling or awareness".

"Indeed, do you feel stronger now Mistress Moon?" Asked Chrys.

"You have earnt the right to call me by my first name".

"As you wish, Mandraya".

"Yes, we must get to work on destroying this world".

"I have the first step ready to go Mandraya". Chrys said looking gleeful. Chrys beckoned Mandraya to come with her, they walked through the Mandrake Forest, where Mandraya had been frozen and hidden. They came up to this castle, it had three turrets, and it was a dark misty indigo color. As they walked inside Mandraya was filled with power, she had lost so long ago.

"It was a splendid idea for me to create this castle while I was still alive in Andrayaka, for if this whole situation would happen". Said Mandraya, looking proud.

They came to a room with five woe-begotten teenagers in it, and one who looked pleasantly at home. They all looked scared, they had fear in their eyes. But they were also frozen in time.

"Where did you find them?"

"In The Lost".

"What am I meant to do with these?" Hissed Mandraya.

"Send them to the Academy of course, get them to infiltrate the precious school, that school is where most of the power is kept anyway". Replied Chrys.

"Yes, indeed, good idea". She smirked, as she looked at the teenagers. 

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