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Emea was used to being pushed around, by Talus, her brothers, and her pushy grandmother Adeena, meaning noble and gentle. But she was done with it. With the recent uprising of Mandraya Moon, she was not having anything to do with Talus or his gang. She steered clear of them and didn't talk to them or even think about them. If she caught herself thinking about him she would slap herself across the hand.

Principal Lytra had told her to go to the medward to meet the teenagers. Emea had learnt that the teenagers had been under the influence of Mandraya Moon. But they were cured now, their minds had been cleansed by Dr Pyrrhos the head of medical sciences training.

On her way, Emea thought about the sandy haired boy and what his name could be. Fau, Tim, Solomon, Richie. There were endless possabilities. But none of them seemed right. Before long she was arriving at the door of the medward. She looked in the small rectangle of glass, there sitting in one of the gruesome gray, historically uninviting Medward beds was the boy. His sandy hair caught a flash of light, it twinkled in the sun, made her feel like she was looking at goddamn young Leonardo DiCaprio. His eyes were honey kissed, light auburn hazel. His eyes, his eyes were, well, looking directly at her. Shit.

Emea ducked, but then realized another rectangle of clear glass was in her eyes, a freaking double window. She bolted right back up and looked at the boy, he was no longer looking at her. He was reading a book. Emea fumbled around for the doorknob. Finding it, she then entered the room. The door creaked open and she slipped in. The six teenagers lay there, all occupying themselves by doing certain things.

Each bed was accessorized with a bronze bordered whiteboard, containing their names. This was stuck to the foot of the bed. Tonsley, Adam, Piper, Briar, Tulip, and last of all Sade, the sandy-haired mysterious interloper, living free rent in Emea's mind. She didn't want him there, she just wanted an easy school year hanging out with her friends and classmates (minus Talus). Sade was not invited. But for some reason he was there, wearing a perfectly proportioned face, with suitable fabulous hair, and the perfect height for scandalous kissing in the hallway. No emea though no fantasies.

"Hello everyone, how are you today?" Asked Emea. The teenagers looked up from their various activities and stared wide eyed and blankly at her. They said nothing.

"My name is Emea, I am the school captain, I'll be making sure your transition here is seamless".

Suddenly a suspicious voice popped up from next to her.

"Hello Emea," said the head of the Medward, Dr Pyrrhos. Dr Pyrrhos, Emea didn't like him, because one, he once stalked her, two, he was a doctor and they were always suspicious, and three, he was a psychopath.

Emea jumped backwards.

"Hello Dr".

"I'll be leaving now, on break-gh-gh-tgha," Dr Pyrrhos always spoke like he had spit trapped in the back of his throat. Psychopath. Shivering tensely, Emea continued.

"Is everyone ready to give life at Arethusa Academy for the Gifted and Starborn a go?" The room gave Emea a nod.

"The school is named in honor of the Lake right next door, Arethusa means waterer, because we are all a part of the water".

"When do we get to leave this hell hole?" Shouted a boy called Adam, in a husky and grating voice. "It's been days since we have been trapped here, chained up," he continued as he held up his fist which was attached to a long line of clanging steel chains melted into the floor.

"I didn't know this was happening to you guys," said Emea, shocked and gutted. Fellow humans chained up when it's not their fault.

"Actually I go by they/them pronouns". Piped up a girl, sitting on a bed tagged Tulip.

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