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"Students, listen up, apprentice year is your final advancer of school, I'm sure you are equally excited to wield your weapons for the first time," said Professor. Chachessé, the head of combat.

"Mrs, uhhh, Cha-che-see, how do we wield our special weapon?" Asked a student standing at the back of the mob.

"First of all, please everyone call me by my actual pronunciation, sha-shay-see." The mob repeated after her.

"I am originally from a dimension called Earth, where my parents were born, but I was brought here because of my hidden powers, Earth is like here, but with no magic, " explained Professor. Chachessé. Emea heard a voice in her ear, "So like you, a Earo," This voice belonged to Talus. An Earo was someone who was not purely from this dimension. "Piss off Talus," said his cousin.

The students followed their professor's instructions of placing their hand over a tube of magic lake water, and thinking dearly of murder. Some may think this is unethical, but in a world of dismay, murder was a normal thing. Emea couldn't think of death, it hurt her mind. She felt physically ill just picturing someone dying. Everyone else got their weapons as soon as death was in their mind. But as hard as Emea thought about murder, the more likely she felt that she would vomit. She did. Emea was sent to the Med Ward, weaponless, and sulking. Ivis walked her to the nurse, carrying a bow and arrow, it was a majestic dark oak color, with eye-catching, shimmering emeralds gleaming through it. Slung over her shoulder was a sack of golden arrows, tipped with emerald points, sharp enough to pierce someone's skin with a small jab.

"Lovely, isn't it?" Asked Ivis, running her finger along the smooth edge of her bow.

Emea nodded, she wanted nothing else but for her weapon to be with her. Eventually the nauseating feeling inside her brain let her be, and she was sent back to combat class. Again she tried to wield her weapon, while everyone else was battling it out on the grass, Talus winning every battle. But still nothing, even though she had no thoughts of vomiting clouding her judgment, thanks to the nurse.

Professor. Chachessé strolled purposely down the path towards the grass.

"Still no luck, Thorne?" She asked.

"It's like my brain is wired to not think of death," she muttered. "Whenever I think of it, it never stays long enough to wield my weapon."

"I have another way, instead of that, drink this potion and imagine you are on that battlefield," she pointed over to Talus, stabbing a fellow student in the arm.

"Is that student okay?" Asked Emea, looking stunned.

"They all have a healing agent on the weapons, so no harm can come," she drank the gooey iridescent liquid which shimmered in the light. It made a bubbling sound in her throat. She didn't like it.

Suddenly she saw her vision moving, it went hazy and then she was in another place, the battlefield, fighting Talus, she looked at her hands and they were a darker olive shade, these were not her hands, but she was definitely seeing them.

"Ayyyy Ayyyy Ayyyy," Talus launched himself and his new sparkling silver sword into the space where Emea's arm had been a moment before. Emea was speedy, she saw him coming, she was holding a golden baseball bat, it had spikes nailed into it for rough and toughness and it did a great job, she thwacked it at her enemy, he ducked, she jumped, she had always been great at parkour. He leaped away, and tried to slice her apart. But Emea moved and Talus missed. They kept going back and forth jabbing each other and rapping them into walls. There was quite a crowd formed now, Emea's attention as stolen for a second, Talus uses this moment to thwack her to the ground using the bottom of his sword, it puts a jolt of force into her chest and she is pelted backwards, a loud crash booms through the courtyard as Talus sliced through her arm, no blood was drawn but it bloody hurt. She fell backwards and slammed her fists down on the tiled platform. Emea yelped, and Talus clapped, he jumped up and down and squealed. She felt defeated, Pro. Chachessé helped her up, her wound had not broken into blood, yet it hurt like hell. Emea realized that the fight was not over, that was just the first round. She didn't like the baseball bat, and it wasn't her weapon, she could feel it. Suddenly she was back on the grass and was lying on the floor.

"Body switch," said her teacher.

"With who?"

"Grace-Volt Mains''. Emea nodded, at least they were friends and she wouldn't feel weird about it. Emea still longed for her weapon.

A bit later, Talus walked up to Emea who was picking up trash because she was bored.


"Talus," she said with a weary look in her eye.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay". Emea looked at him, stunned.


"Yeah, I said it, I SMASHED YOU!"

"Well yes, but only because I don't have my weapon".

"Oh dear Rilias, that's right isn't it?!" He chuckled. Emea glared at him and walked off.

Mrs. Chachessé excused Emea from her class. She went to the library, her favorite place in the school. Weapon conjuring. She read about all different types of weapons, learning that Talus's weapon was just a common one. This brought a smirk to Emea's face. Finally she came to a page about wands. Emea hadn't thought that wands were a weapon. But as she thought about it, sorcerers and mages had used wands for a long time, they had even summoned powers to their bodies, so they didn't have to use wands. Emea thought this was marvelous, but sort of unnecessary at this point. Next book to borrow, Wands and Properties

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