i cracked his code

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here's what's happening, i think:

he "doesn't know what he wants"

he's scared to lose me again. because he knows what it felt like the first time, and he's scared to go through that again and he's scared to hurt me again.

but he doesn't want me to leave. he doesn't want to let me go, because he knows that i feel the same way he does.

so this is his way of avoiding the situation, he won't fully commit to me.

but i'm not gonna let him go. im gonna start talking to him, like he told me he wants to do. i'm gonna give him time to realize that he's not gonna hurt me again. that i'm here to stay.

i know him. i know he's scared to fully commit because he doesn't want to hurt me.

so i'm gonna give him the proper talking stage, but im not gonna let it get to the point where it's too confusing.

im not gonna let this turn into a situationship.

i know him, he's my ex. he's scared.

im gonna prove to him there's nothing to be afraid of.

trust me guys, i think this is right for us.

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