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i told myself that its been more than enough time to be upset, it's been exactly the amount of time that our relationship lasted.

i see you walk quickly by me in the hallways, and i see you ignore me and my presence no matter where i am. but i do the same, knowing that i'm panicking on the inside bc i just want to look up and see you smile. but i told myself it's time to let go of that, that you're over it, and i need to be too. i finally let go of the hope.

but we received our yearbooks today.

you wrote in the yearbook for your 10 year plan.

and it shattered me.

"in 10 years i will hopefully be stable, with a family."

it tore me apart because i know that's all you want. a family.

and it tore me apart to know that i was apart of those plans.

that you wanted it all to be with me.

and i don't want to think about who you're going to be married to, who you're going to be parenting with.

it breaks my heart because i am no longer apart of those plans, and you know i was excited to be apart of them. it breaks my heart that we haven't talked in the same amount of time that we were in love. and it breaks my heart that i know for a fact that you won't come back, and that i can't be apart of your big plans anymore.

what the fuck.

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