oops I did it again

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I may or may not have went back. I don't know what was up with the snap score rising and the leaving me on delivered for an obnoxious amount of time but he really is something else.

he's got ahold of me by the throat. ill do anything he says and ill do it confidently. I just don't know what the hell to do. he changes up so quickly and makes me sob, being rude and acting like he doesn't care one moment but then the next he is acting like he cares.

maybe he does?

maybe I scared him? or maybe thats what I want to have happened? I dont know. ive made a lot of people mad/disappointed, ill give you a nice list.

Sara, Bella, Emery, Vince, Ollie, Brianna, Ciarrah, Sage, Tony, Leo, Will, Kody, Kaydence, Cameron, Serenity, Lia, Talya, and Scarlett.

I dont know what to do, to say. Bella says its unhealthy that it's turning into this but im letting my guard down even though I swore I wouldn't let this happen. but I really do like him. I think ill wait it out. 

if there's ever a point where I just know there's no saving it then ill call it quits. but this rollercoaster is all ive got now and its giving me a confidence boost. but I went on a yubo spree this morning while I was waiting on a response and now ive got like 4 guys in my DMs... oops.

my journal.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora