moving on?

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if you say you can't do long distance then it's not fair to me when you act like you can. and then change your mind.

i was on delivered for thirteen hours. he had viewed my story last night so it was obvious to me that he wasn't just sleeping, he was ignoring me.

it's not my fault you showed me the man i wanted to be with. it's not my fault i felt so passionately for you, and it's definitely not my fucking problem when you can't make up your mind.

i deleted the photos from my camera roll. i almost deleted him from my snap but i can't help but still want him, even after he's being a dick. im watching his snap score. he sent me a snap.

i'm not gonna stay when you give me no reason to, i'm not gonna beg for you. i'm not gonna wait while you make up your mind, i'm gonna go find other dudes.

you're driving me through the roof and i don't know how much longer i can take it before i unwind and explode. i can't deal with a guy like this anymore.

i really wished this could've been different but obviously it can't because you can't make a decision. i'm fucking through the roof.

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