Xiao-Gege (Pt.6)

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Bodies were around her. Their eyes focused on her as she moved around, but their bodies unable to get to her. Needles stuck out of parts of them; tiny, but since she had put them there they were visible to her. She was always good at finding pressure points.

"We were worried." Wen Ning sighed from where he stood in the doorway. "Since doctor Jin was the first name called."

"They were called one after another. All of them but me. I had to figure out a way to immobilise them without killing them." Wen Qing said, finally stepping over the last body and giving he brother a reassuring smile.
"It looks like a crime scene, though."  

"They're not dead and it was justified." Wen Ning rested a gentle hand on her shoulder. She just shook her head.

"So many doctors... At this rate we'll lose more people tonight because we don't have anyone to treat them." She said.

"We'll figure something out as soon as we're all back together." Wen Ning squeezed her shoulder slightly.

"Right." Wen Qing agreed.


"Is that all of them?" Xue Yang asked a disciple in light grey robes. The younger boy nodded, looking at the group of puppets they had just tied up.

"Yes, these are all of the... puppets..." The boy mumbled.

There were three other kids in the same robes as him standing around. All of them looking more than a little terrified. None of them had had any idea of what was going on when their friends had started turning on them. They had no idea what the song was or what the fog was. Until Xuanyu took them aside and explained once the puppets were tied up.

"That was something." A-Qing yawned, her sword slung over her shoulder like an axe and not like a weapon that could chop her head off.
"I wonder if Ning-shushu found the doctor alright?"

"Its Madam Qing we're talking about of course she's fine." Xue Yang rolled his eyes.

"She's one scary lady." Xuanyu said from where he was checking the ropes on the puppets.

"Are they secure?" The boy in grey asked once Xuanyu stood up. It was clear he was nervous, apprehensive too. Probably not just because of Xiao-gege and his puppets but because of what the three of them had just done. 

"They're secure." Xuanyu smiled at him, dusting off his hands. "Just keep an eye on them for the time being."

The boy nodded.

"What clan are you from?" A-Qing addressed him with a raised eyebrow. 

"The Song-Xiao Clan." He replied with a slight hint of pride in his tone. Xue Yang smirked.

"Should've known." He laughed and stole a glance at Xuanyu who had a fond look in his eyes. 
"Not jealous anymore then babe?"

"Oh fuck off A-Yang!" He shot back, kicking a stone at him, which missed and went over his head.

"That was rude..."

They all froze. Even the Song-Xiao disciples. None of them had realised anyone was behind them. None of them had suspected a thing because all of the puppets were tied at their feet. Xue Yang inwardly cursed, he should've been watching not fucking around.

"Who's that?" Xuanyu had his flute in his hand, ready and waiting for whoever it was to show themself.

"Really? You break my brother's face and don't have to audacity to remember me?"

A girl in Jin robes appeared from within the fog a horrible glint in her eyes as she held the rock Xuanyu had kicked. Mild surprise flickered in the boy's face, before it changed to one of distaste.

"Sorry, seems puberty wasn't so kind on you. If you hadn't said you were that asshole's sister I still wouldn't have recognised you." Xuanyu snarled, but Xue Yang smirked at the outraged expression on the girl's face. 

"Don't you dare insult me you fucking cut sleeve!" She spat. Xuanyu snorted and Xue Yang had to look away before he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Not an insult anymore sweetheart. What the fuck do you want?" He asked.

"Your sword."

The air went cold. All three demon disciples looked at her their heartrates picking up as the word repeated itself in their heads. She wanted his sword... His sword that Wei Ying had had specially made with a piece of the Yin Tiger Tally. She wanted his sword...

"No." Xue Yang took a step forward, shielding Xuanyu from view. 

"Don't make me do this the hard way." She jeered at them.

"Like hell you will." A-Qing growled. "You so much as take a step forward and my no killing policy goes out the window."

The girl laughed. A cackle that sounded almost pure evil and for some reason made their hair stand on end. Xuanyu spared a glance at the Song-Xiao disciples and found them huddled together out of fear.

"Oh Tiny, I won't need to take a step forward. All I have to do is say two words and Xiao-gege will do it for me." She smiled.

Xue Yang's blood went cold. A-Qing's face went pale. Xuanyu glanced back at the Song-Xiao disciples.

"You should leave." He said to them. "Take your friends as go." 

They did as they were told.

"Well?" The girl asked once they were gone. "What will it be? are you gonna hand over your sword?"

"No." Xuanyu said. His tone firm. His gaze fixed. "I don't know why you want it, but I'm not giving it to you."

She rolled her eyes with a huff.

"Suit yourself, Mo Xuanyu. We'll get it sooner ort later." She took a step back, disappearing into the darkness as Xue Yang ran after her, completely ready to kill.

"Fuck! Fuck! Come back here you bitch!" He screamed slashing his sword around.

Xuanyu just watched him, unsure of what to do. He felt no different. Nothing seemed to be happening. A-Qing approached him with a worried face, placing her hands on his cheeks to make him look at her.

"Can you hear me? Is anything happening?" She asked, examining every inch of him as he just stood there.

"I don't feel anything." He mumbled.

"You sure!?" Xue Yang grabbed his arms drawing him in close and copying A-Qing as he checked every inch of him.

"I don't feel-"

His heart hammered in his chest and suddenly he couldn't speak. He couldn't hear anything but the song that had been singing over and over again.

"A-Yu?" Xue Yang stared at his boyfriend's dazed face, at the way his pupils grew and his limbs went stiff.
"Hey. Hey! Answer me!" He shook him slightly.

"The song..." A-Qing breathed. 

Xiao-gege, Xiao-gege, who is it today?
Xiao-gege, Xiao-gege, what is their name?

Mo Xuanyu...


The siblings froze in place halfway towards where Wen Ning had left the kids. They had been talking quietly, explaining the situation to each other when the song suddenly said a name they said several times a day. And then they were running. Sprinting as fast as they could, because this couldn't be happening...

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