The Ghost Conference (Pt.10)

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Soon it was just the two boys sitting their. Xue Yang's arms wrapped around Xuanyu as the younger boy slowly began drifting off to sleep. Xue Yang stared at his pretty face. Admiring the way his red eye makeup glinted in the sunlight and how his eyelashes fluttered gently in the wind.

It had hurt seeing him so unhappy in Lanling. The way his confidence subtly slipped away under all the stares. If Xue Yang could go back and drag Xuanyu away before anything had happened, he would. He would a thousand times over. If it meant Xuanyu didn't have to suffer like this.

"I love you." He breathed into Xuanyu's ear. Making the other boy smile tiredly and press back just a little so that they were even closer.

"I don't believe you. You'll have to prove it." Xuanyu teased. Eyes still closed and head still resting on Xue Yang's shoulder. But a shit eating smile on his face.

"Oh yeah... How?" Xue Yang questioned in a whisper, lips pressed to Xuanyu's ear. The younger boy shuddered.

"Kiss me."

Xue Yang laughed. A gentle low laugh. One so genuine and soft and filled with care and endearment that is made Xuanyu's heart flutter. Eyes opening so he could see the gorgeous sight of Xue Yang's smile. It did not disappoint.

"I'm waiting." Xuanyu hummed once he was done. Their eyes locking with pure love; intensely burning behind their pupils.

Slowly Xue Yang leaned down. Xuanyu closed his eyes. Their lips met. Sweetly soft thanks to the balm Wen Qing had created. A touch that was so calmingly steady.

Xuanyu shifted his position, leaning in more to soak up more of Xue Yang's kiss. Xue Yang cupped his cheek, unwilling to be beaten when it came to expressing his pure, unyielding, love for Xuanyu.

This kiss deepened. A tongue running over lips ever so slightly and Xuanyu opened his mouth hungrily; Allowing Xue Yang to explore. The fact that they were running out of air didn't bother either of them. They took breaks for a few breif second here and there. Their foreheads pressed together. Before they started again.

Xue Yang wrapped a hand around Xuanyu's thigh, tugging him onto his lap, wrapping arms around his waist. While Xuanyu's own hands found his hair. Wrapping themselves in his ponytail as a way to ground himself.

"Is this enough proof?" Xue Yang gasped out after a minute.

"Never..." Xuanyu replied about to grab Xue Yang's face and pull him in again.

"Is that fucking Mo Xuanyu!?" A voice interrupted them. A voice Xuanyu knew all to well. One that sucked any comfort out of his body and replaced it with pure anxiety.

He scrambled off of Xue Yang's lap sitting down on the floor and forcing himself to glare at the group of Jin disciples approaching them.

"It fucking is!" The same voice said, coming from the big guy in the middle.

"Do you mind, we were kind of in the middle of something." Xue Yang glowered at them, knowing from Xuanyu's body language that the younger boy didn't want them there.

"We saw, you fucking cut sleeves!" A girl from next the the big guy said. From side by side they both looked very similar.

"Disgusting scum." The big guy added.

"This coming from the talking pig and the mare next to him." Xue Yang scoffed.

"Xue Yang." Xuanyu warned in a low tone. He could already sense the rising tension and knew that Xue Yang getting into a fight after the conference they had just been in was not a good idea.

Senseing this Xue Yang forced his body to relax. His eyes still glaring daggars at the group, but allowing Xuanyu to do the talking from now on; if he even wanted to. That did not seem to be the case. Xuanyu looked like he wanted nothing more than to get away from there. Yet the big pig looking guy didn't shut up.

"Look at you. Did you finally grow a pair of balls? Should we check again?" He said and suddenly all calmness in Xue Yang's body dissappeared. He rose to his feet ready to fucking murder the boy. But to his and everyone else's surprise, Xuanyu beat him to it.


His fist connected with pudgy cheek. The crunch of bone vibrating threw his fingers, sending a wave of pleasure to his head.

The boy's heavy body fell to the floor with a yelp. His hand clutching at his jaw and bloody nose. Tears streaming done his once smirking face. Everyone around stood in shock. Well, everyone except Xue Yang who was laughing so hard his stomach hurt and his lunch threatened to come up.

Xuanyu also didn't seem surprised. He knew this had been a long time coming. A deep part of him had been waiting for the day he snapped and put these fuckers in their place. It felt insanely good.

He knew a better man than himself wouldn't have reacted. They would've walked away, ignoring them all. Fuck being that guy. Breaking the asshole's nose and jaw felt so much better than being the bigger person.

His gaze flicked to the rest of the group. Momentarily it lingered one the lean face of Jin Feng, who's mouth was open like he was going to say something. Xuanyu hated that. Hated that he felt it was okay to talk to him after everything these people had done. That any of them felt it was okay to approach him with no remorce for their actions. All the bullying, the beating...

His eyes locked squarely on the boy's on the floor. A cold feeling radiating from his pounding heart all the way up to his gaze. The boy scuttled backwards slightly, a mild tremble in his movements.

Good... Fear the consequences of your actions.

"If any of you ever come near or speak to me again, I'll rip out your tongues and feed them to an army of corpses. Do you understand?" His voice was steady. His words laced with threat and danger.

They all nodded; Their stupid head bopping like branches in the wind. It wasn't good enough...

"I asked if you fucking understood!?" He yelled. Making all of them jump.

"Yes..." The boy on the floor Choked out through his bloody nose.

"Then fuck off."

Two other boys grabbed the one on the floor under his arms and lifted him up as quickly as they could against his great weight. The rest of the group scrambled to leave through the large archway of the complex. Not one of them glancing back once.

When they were finally gone Xuanyu let out a heavy sigh. He could feel Xue Yang's gaze on him. He could already see the smirk on his lips and it wound him up.

Without a word he turned and grabbed the older boy's wrist dragging him over to one of the doors with 'Yiling Demon Clan' on it. Xue Yang didn't fight him. His grin only grew bigger and his left eyebrow raised.

"Where are we going?" He asked with a mild laugh in his tone.

"To burn off some steam. Are you in or out?" Xuanyu replied a little to harshly. However Xue Yang's pace only increased, almost overtaking him.

"What kind of a question is that? I'm in! I'm always in!" Xue Yang said, now fully leading Xuanyu over to one of their bedrooms.

Xuanyu smiled to himself, completely unsure what he would do with his life if he didn't have Xue Yang.

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