A Yunmeng Reunion (Pt.6)

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"And over here was the tree I hid in after my first fight with Jiang Cheng." Wei Wuxian pointed to a spot as he and Lan Zhan walked together. "Yanli had to carry both of us home because we hurt our legs." He added fondly. "Oh and over there is where I fell asleep on a boat without paddles and drifted out so far from shore a group of disciples had to rescue me."

The moon beamed down on the two of them. Making their skin and robes sparkle in her bright light. The cool winter breeze accompanied her. Sweeping their hair out of their faces just enough for Lan Zhan to see the mesmerizing glint in Wei Wuxian's eyes. Nothing in the world compared to how Lan Zhan felt watching the other man talk about his childhood. He could listen to him talk forever. He wanted to listen to him talk forever.

"By here is where Madam Yu caught me eating expensive sweets and scolded me." Wei Ying went on. "Actually most places in Yunmeng are places where I was scolded." He scratched his cheek in mild embarrassment. 

His sheepish expression reminded Lan Zhan of when they were teenagers. The thought made a smile curl his lips. 

The two of them continued to walk for a long time. Wei Ying talking, Lan Zhan Listening. Then after who knows how long, Wei Wuxian stopped and took a seat at the edge of the water. He took off his boots and through them to the side. He then rolled up his trousers and dipped his feet into the cold water. A slight chuckle ringing out from his lips as he did so. Lan Zhan watched him in awe because of his beauty.

His long hair trailed down his back, sometimes being picked up by the wind. His face, more aged than the day Lan Zhan first met him, was covered in laugh lines that were only made more evident by the smile that he wore now. His black robes draped over him, brought in by the red belt he wore around his waste, perfectly drew out the colour of his eyes and the slightly exposed skin of his chest and face shimmering in the moonlight. Everything about him captivated Lan Zhan. He could stare at him for hours and wouldn't even feel the urge to complain.

"You're staring Lan Zhan." Wei Ying said gently.


"Is something the matter?"

"No." Lan Zhan answered taking a seat next to Wei Ying. 

The other man watched him quietly, letting out a small sigh when Lan Zhan tucked his knees under himself in a proper manner.

"Do you ever relax?" Wei Ying asked softly. His eyes met Lan Zhan's and for a moment something sparked. Lan Zhan smiled softly.

"Only around Wei Ying." He answered.

"Is it because of the tea?" Wei Ying joked, thinking about all the times they went to calming tea rooms in Yiling.

"No." Lan Zhan answered. His eyes bore onto Wei Wuxian's for awhile trying to finish his sentence without words. He was calm because he was with you. He was happy because he was with you.

"The moon sure is beautiful tonight." Wei Wuxian turned away and looked up at the sky. "I wonder how my disciples are doing. Wen Qing's probably having a hard time. It's like trying to heard cats with those kids." He sighed.

"They sound like you."

"Oh you Lans and your honesty!" Wei Wuxian laughed and then sighed again. "I wouldn't trade them for the world. They're wonderful people."

"Very much like you then." Lan Zhan smiled. Wei Ying snorted softly, meeting the older man's eyes again.

"Thank you Lan Zhan." He breathed. What he was thanking him for, Lan Zhan didn't know. He was just happy to be spending time with him. Happy that he was happy.

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