10 - On a Journey

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"No, I don't play games for old coots." Azula denied, "I've come here to gain your assistance in hunting my traitorous older brother and uncle." Azula explained with a smirk.

"Oooo, I can't wait, I've always wanted to engage in Flamboyant combat with them." Uzu remarked, then suddenly shot up. "Wait, Zuko and Iroh have gone traitor?!" she exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, they fought against the Fire Nation army invading the Northern Water Tribe, on the same side as the Avatar." Azula explained. "Now they are hiding in the Earth Kingdom, but luckily a spy has managed to find their location."

"Hmmmmm..." Uzu hummed. 'I guess Iroh is really committed to protecting Zuko. I could just stay here and let this play out... but I really wanna see Iroh again. Besides, someone's gotta vouch for him if he gets captured.'

"Okay! Let's do this! It's so drab and unflamboyant in this place anyways." Uzu agreed. "Wait, what about Mai and Tylee? Are you getting them too?" Uzu asked.

Azula smirked, "But of course, I'm not so arrogant as to believe I can take both Uncle and Zuzu alone. The power of friendship and all that." 

"Yes! The Flamboyant power of friendship will triumph over all! Hahaha!" Uzu boomed, "Flashy! Flammable! Flawless! Flamboyant! They'll be in awe of the splendour of our Flamboyant Quadrio!" Uzu cheered.

Azula merely sighed, "Yes, yes. We're departing to the Earth Kingdom in 2 days. Make sure you're ready." 

"I will! I'll even bring my mysterious yet Flamboyant fighting clothes!" Uzu affirmed ethusiasm.n

"Wear what makes you happy. I'm excited to see how much you've improved in firebending." Azula said with a smirk. "Anyways, I must get going. I have much to prepare for."

As Azula left the room, Uzu looked at her with a fond smile. 'Jeez Azula, you're always so indirect in showing how you care for people.' 


"Bow before Princess Azula!" the captain shouted as they were aboard the ship. All the soldiers, who were in two lines, got to their hands and knees and bowed as the curtains opened up, revealing 4 soldiers carriering an elaborate crate thing (what are they called?) with Azula inside.

Two soldiers opened the curtain, and Azula stepped out from her mini throne. Azula walked down the steps of the ship, "My brother and Uncle have disgraced the Firelord, and have brought shame to all of us. You may have mixed feelings about attacking a member of the royal family, I understand."

Azula stopped, "But I assure you, if you hesitate. I will not hesitate to bring you down. Dismissed." she finished as all the soldiers returned to their various posts.

The captain and Uzu then ran up behind Azula, one with far less formality and respect than the other. "Princess, I'm afraid the tides will not allows us to bring the ship into port before nightfall." the captain reported.

"I'm sorry captain I do not know much about the tides. Can you explain something to me?" Azula questioned.

"Of course you highness." the captain replied.

"Do the tides command this ship?" Azula asked.

"I-uh. I'm afraid I don't understand." the captain replied calmly.

"You said the tides will not allow us to bring the ship in. Do the tides command this ship?" Azula asked again with a more threatening tone.

"No princess." the captain replied nervously.

"And if I threw you overboard, would the tide think twice before throwing you ashore?" Azula questioned, looking out to the sea.

"No princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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