Short Story: Lightning Bending

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Here's another short story, after this we'll move on to a tale to Omashu. Enjoy!


"Uzu, as you already know, there is energy everywhere around us, in the sand beneath our feet, in the vast ocean, in the air, especially in our own body. This energy can be seperated into both Yin and Yang or positive and negative energy." Iroh explained.

Iroh and a still 11 year old Uzu were currently standing at a beach, a safe place for Iroh to teach Uzu the art of lightning bending. 

"I see, and we firebenders have the ability to Flamboyantly manipulate these flashy energies, right?" Uzu asked, who perfectly calm due to Iroh's previous instructions to have peace of mind.

"Well, while we firebenders can manipulate these energies, that is not the point of lightning bending. Lightning bending is when you seperate said energies from eachother, which will create an imbalance that the energies will try to restore. When said energies collide back together, you must provide release and guidance to them to create lightning." Iroh then motioned Uzu to stand back, who obliged.

Iroh raised both his index and middle finger together on both hands, and got into the motions of lightning bending. Lightning was crackling on his fingertips, and Uzu had never seen anything so Flamboyant in her entire life.

Iroh pulled his hands back, and then shot them forward, releasing the lightning into the sky above the vast ocean.

Uzu watched in complete awe, she had never been so impressed in her whole life. 

"Woah! That was so Flamboyant! Oooh Oooh, let me try!" Uzu said excitedly. 

Iroh then warned Uzu, "Don't forget to have peace of mind, take a deep breath first." He commanded.

"Oh, right." Uzu said sheepishly.

Uzu took a deep breath, and started to copy what Iroh had done, lightning crackling between her fingertips just as Iroh had done earlier. Uzu pulled her arms back, and then shot them out, lightning bursting into the sky.

Uzu finished by taking another calm deep breath.

Iroh clapped, "Well done Uzu, very impressive for your first try, your a natural." he complimented, which made Uzu's expression beam in pride.

"I know right! That was SO cool, I bet I look super duper flamboyant. It was like PSHZZZZ" Uzu sounded, moving her hands forward in a mock lightning bend pose. 

"You did look pretty amazing," Iroh said truthfully.

"Hahahah- oooOO, I just got an amazing Idea!" Uzu suddenly said. "Watch this!"

Iroh just looked at Uzu in confusion, what was she going to do?

Uzu took a deep breath, and started to lightning bend again. She pulled her hands back, but instead of releasing it, she kept her hands back, gathering even more energy within her palms. 

Iroh was looking at Uzu in shock and panic, that much energy gathered in one persons palms was extremely dangerous. However, Uzu just gave a massive smile, still gathering more energy for 20 more seconds.

Uzu then pushed all of the lightning forward, "HAAAAAAAH!" Uzu yelled, as a beam of lightning shot through the sky, visibly splitting a cloud in half.

Iroh was completely flabberghasted at this display. He had never seen so much power used in a single attack his entire life. Not to mention the beauty of the display he saw, Uzu's white hair with her red eyes and tattoo contrasted amazingly with the cold blue glow of the lightning.

"How'd you like that!?" Uzu asked in pride, puffing out her chest with her right thumb on it, left hand on her hip. "Wasn't that Flamboyant?"

Iroh was seriously starting to consider to go see a doctor, this child made his heart race from suprise like no one else. 

Iroh cleared his throat, "That... was incredible," he simply responded.

"It was! I looked so Flashy and Flamboyant it was unreal! I even cut that cloud in half! Not even the flamboyant sky is safe from my Flamboyantly overwhelming Flamboyant power!" Uzu said, striking an action pose.

Iroh gave a chuckle of his own, "Hah, I must say that your mastery of lightning bending is quite shocking" Iroh said in humor. Uzu just deadpanned.

"What... really?" Uzu said in disapoinment from Iroh's pun.

"Yes it was," Iroh said, acting like he didn't know what Uzu was really talking about.

"You just made a- you know what, I'll just ignore that unflamboyant pun." Uzu said.



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