Side Story - A Grumpy Prince

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Sup people! This takes place before chapter 9, Enjoy!


Zuko was annoyed.

Okay, maybe that wasn't the most meaningful statement, considering Zuko was always annoyed. Zuko was very annoyed.

You see, Tylee had invited Mai, Azula, Uzu and Zuko to her house. Since Zuko had recently started dating Mai, he decided against his better judgements of not going.

He realized the big mistake way to late.

When Zuko had arrived, he quickly realized that Mai was not coming, as evidenced by Tylee's whining. Meaning that the one reason he came, and the one thing that would keep him sane this visit, was now gone.

Luckily for Zuko, Azula was also not showing up, which was one load off his shoulders.

This left Zuko, Uzu and Tylee.

If Zuko had to rate the quadrio from most bearable to least bearable, it would go Mai, Uzu, Tylee then Azula.

Now, one would think that because the two of the quadrio who are in the middle are here, the situation wouldn't be too bad, but that would be wrong. Uzu and Tylee, while not as hard to deal with Azula individually, became a nightmare when the two were together.

Add on to that the fact that Mai and Azula were also not there to reign in their hyperactive behaviour and Zuko now has a disaster.

"Hey there Zuko! It's Flamboyant to see you again!" Uzu said with a wide smile.


An irk mark appeared on Uzu's forehead, "Zuko, usually, when one greets you. You return a Flamboyant response."

Zuko snarled, "I don't care about your 'Flamboyant response'!"

"It's not my response! YOU'RE the one who should be responding, are you deaf!?" Uzu asked.

"No I'm not deaf, what are you talking about?! I just don't want to talk to you!" Zuko roared back.

Uzu then smirked, "You sure are talking passionately for someone who doesn't want to talk to me." 

"Uuuunnnrrrrggghhhh, shut up!" Zuko demanded.

"Quietness is Unflamboyant." Uzu responded.

"I don't care about whether it's flamboyant or not!" Zuko yelled.

"And I don't care for your opinion," Uzu responded. 

"Guuuuyyyysssss, stop fighting!" Tylee interjected.

"Shut up!" Zuko roared. 

Uzu looked at Zuko with a deadpan, "Wow, why are you so needlessly antagonistic? What did Tylee do to you?" Uzu asked, Tylee looking like she's on the brink of tears.

"I mean, I guess I can kind of get it. I'm just so Flashy that people naturally get jealous," Zuko started fuming, "But like, look at Tylee, how could you be mean to this flamboyant cinnamon bun?" Uzu said, with Tylee giving the most adorable sad expression ever.

Zuko looked like his face could blow up any second from anger, "If you want, I could teach you how to be more flamboyant... actually... that's a great idea! I'll teach you how to be less gloomy and how to feel the basic human emotion of happiness!" Uzu said in pride.

Uzu then showed an expression of genuine concern, "You... can feel happiness... right?"

"I don't care about being flamboyant!" Zuko declared in anger.

Uzu looked unperturbed, "Yeesh, see, this is your problem. You keep saying 'I don't care' over and over. It's so boring and unflashy, no one's gonna take you seriously if you just repeat the same thing unflashily."

"Shut up!" Zuko repeated.

"Again with the repetition... I don't know what your expecting by repeating yourself over and over again, but your going in circles Zuko." Uzu lectured. Actually now that Zuko thought about it, Uzu was acting earily similar to how Iroh would preach to him about kindness and peacefulness, just with her own 'flamboyant' spin.

Zuko dismissed those thoughts and finally snapped, "That's it! I'm leaving this dumb meetup!" he said, stomping off in anger.

With a resounding SLAM, Uzu and Tylee were left alone together.

"Sheesh, what's his deal?" Uzu huffed.


And that's all folks. I've been having trouble recently with writing new chapters lately. It's not a writers block or burnout per se, but I've been having so many new ideas lately that it's hard to sort my brain out. There are so many fanfictions I want to write it's unreal. Add on to that the fact that I've been really busy and I hardly get things done. Actually I think I'll write a list of everything I want to write in the future right here, I'll post this on my Demon Slayer fanfiction aswell. Give feedback if any of these seem like good or bad ideas.

Fresh Sans OC being a Demon Lord in 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime'

Iguro Obanai OC in 'My Hero Academia'

OC x Jiro Kyoka in 'My Hero Academia'

OC x Miko Lino in 'Love is War'

Fresh Sans OC in 'Love is War' and/or 'Overlord'

Dimentio OC in 'Overlord'

'Demon Slayer' AU, with Rui replacing Tanjiro

'Demon Slayer' Academy AU with Yumeru

Finish my other Fanfictions

Write a Rouxls Kaard Genocide Boss Fight

Himejima Gyomei in 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime'

Part 2 of 'A Flamboyant Firebender' in Legend of Korra with a Muichiro OC, who will be the grandchild of Uzu

Drewanchel Archduke Candidate OC x Hannelore in 'Ascendance of a Bookworm'

Rozemyne Retainer OC x Matthias in 'Ascendance of a Bookworm'

Prosecutor Kyojuro Rengoku OC in 'Ace Attorney'

Muichiro Tokito x Nezuko Kamado in 'Demon Slayer'

Aoi Kanzaki x OC in 'Demon Slayer'

Enmu OC in 'My Hero Academia'

Mike (Fanmade Deltarune Chapter 3) in 'My Hero Academia'


This right here is my full list of things I wanna write. I doubt I can get to the point where I write all of them, but I hope to write as many as possible. The first three in particular are things I want to write, I may end up combining the second and third one. Anyways, Ciao!

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