06 - Swordmaster Piandao

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I am                                Thaiph Kaard

This story                       is pissing me                             off

Hey guys, I've been having a lot of school work lately, and it's only gonna get worse, so I can't do one chapter per day, I'll do once a week minimum. Also I rewatched the Avatar episode with Piandao in it, and I gotta say he has like one of the coolest voices in all of television. Anyways, Enjoy!


Swordmaster Piandao was sitting down reading a scroll, contemplating the events that were about to transpire today. He was about to meet the girl that Iroh had taken under his wing, who had also rose up the ranks of the Order at an incredible speed.

One's rank in the order of the White Lotus was determined by three things: spiritual awareness, peacefulness and Paisho skill. 

This was naturally why Iroh was the one to succeed the previous Grandmaster of the Order, both his connection to the spirit world and his Paisho skill were unmatched. His general peacefullness was also hard to disagree with.

For someone as young as the girl become a National Lotus who many really old *cough* experienced people still haven't reached yet is unheard of. 

Piandao figured that Iroh could have pulled some strings, but found it unlikely considering it was very contradictory to his character.

More importantly however, Iroh had been saying that this girl was better than him (referring to Piandao) at Paisho, and such a boast could not stand.

Piandao took almost as much pride in his Paisho skills as he did with the sword, and wanted to confirm it himself whether or not this girl could be his match.

As he was thinking this, his servant knocked on his door. "Master Piandao, Lord Iroh and Lady Uzu have arri-"

"Hello Flamboyant Master Piandao!" Uzu yelled, cutting the servant off while bursting into the room. Suffice to say this initial impression was quite a shock to Piandao, who had an initial image of a peaceful little girl.

With a still slightly off-put expression, Piandao responded in kind "Hello there, I am Swordmaster Piandao, may I ask what your name is?"

"Yeah sure, ask away!" Uzu asked with a confused but still bright expression. Piandao just sweat dropped at Uzu's literal interpretation of what he asked.

"*cough*, what is your name?" Piandao asked, behind Uzu he could hear Iroh give a chuckle.

Uzu put both hands on her hips in an action pose, "I am the spirit of flamboyancy and flashyness, Uzu!" she declared in pride.

Silence . . .

"I-, I see," Piandao said, regaining his calm demenor followed by a calm smile, "it is a pleasure to meet you oh great spirit," Piandao said in humor.

"Hmm!" Uzu hummed in pride.

Piandao then looked at Iroh, "It is a pleasure to see you as well friend." 

"Indeed it is, may we have a cup of tea?" Iroh asked, causing Piandao to chuckle from Iroh's overeagerness for tea. "Sure thing Grandmaster Iroh."

"No need for titles my friend, let us simply enjoy some tea and Paisho." Piandao's expression visibly sharpened at that. 

"Right, Uzu," Piandao said with a glare, not affecting Uzu in the least, "Yes? Is something the matter Flamboyant Piandao?" Uzu asked.

"I've heard that you have progressed to the rank of National Lotus in our Order. I wish to determine whether or not you are worthy of that title yourself..." Piandao continued,

"in a game... of Paisho." Piandao finished, loosening his glare and replacing it with a smile. Uzu simply smiled wider. "Bring it on ponytail man! I shall flamboyantly beat you with all my might!" Uzu declared.

Piandao's smile turned into an evil grin, "Then I look forward to see just how worthy you are."

Iroh just looked at the two of them with a slightly lost expression, shrugging it off as simply 2 people who liked to compete to show talent.

"Now, my Paisho table is just over there," Piandao said, pointing to the left side of the room. "Let us move there and start playing at once."

"Right! Let's get this flashy game right on the way!" Uzu yelled, running toward the Paisho table and sitting down.

Piandao then followed suit on the opposite side of the table, with Iroh sitting on the side between them. 


Uzu had won, by a landslide.

"Ha! Take that! Another Flamboyant victory for my Flamboyant self!" Uzu declared with a huge smile.

Meanwhile, Piandao was absolutely shocked that he lost against a 10 year old child. A Prodigy... that is all I can say.

Uzu continued to boast, "You thought that I would lose because I am a child? But you were wrong! No one can beat my flashy self! wellexceptforIroh but that's not important!" Uzu muttered at the end.

Iroh just laughed, "I bet you weren't expecting that one Piandao! Uzu is truly a sight to behold playing Paisho, why I think I might lose to her any day now!" Iroh admitted.

"Soon you'll grovel at my feet! Hahahahahahaha!" Uzu laughed with confidence.

As they were talking, Piandao took a sip of tea he had received from his servant earlier, regaining his calm. "Truly impressive Uzu, but remember to never stop training, a master always strives to be better at their craft." Piandao said in a wise old man tone.

Uzu just laughed again, "Hahahaha! You think hiding behind your wise old man facade will save you from the humiliation of losing?! HA! Just you wait! I'll get so good at Paisho that I'll become Grandmaster of the Order of the Flamboyant Lotus!" Uzu said.

While most would see this as a truly arrogant statement, Piandao recognized that Uzu did listen to his advice, and it was true that he tried to sound wise in an attempt to maintain some pride and dignity.

"I'll be waiting for that day," Piandao said with a smile.


Hey guys, a bit of a shorter chapter for now, all of my courses just converged to give me a crap load of work.

Original Starwalker: 

Your excuses                   are pissing me                       Off

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