09 - Apart

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Sup, it's been awhile for this fanfic but I'm back, school has been easing in on its work load, so here's another chapter. Also, 2000 VIEWS!!! POG!



"Nghhh... how?!" Uzu exclaimed.

Since Uzu had beaten Iroh that one time on the boat, Uzu had been unable to do it again. Iroh just merely looked at her with a smug expression.

"It's okay young Uzu, you'll beat me again eventually" Iroh said.

"Hmph, I cannot believe that one win was a fluke. I swear to the spirits, I should be flashily praised for my flamboyant splendour. People should be on their hands and knees in-"

Iroh took a sip of jasmine tea, savoring its blissful flavor and heat. Iroh and Uzu had just returned from their covert trip to Omashu. 

Both Uzu and Iroh had a blast in Omashu, eating various foods and enjoying various activities was a really fun experience for the both of them.

Uzu in particular had taken a great liking to Bumi, though her initial opinion was dampered by Bumi's puns.

Unfortunately, reminiscing about the past won't make the future any better. Today was the day that the monthly snore- *cough* war meeting was to take place. Iroh had no doubt that this would simply be another meeting where he would just sit there silently, wishing he could be... literally anywhere else.

Actually, now that Iroh thought about it, he should probably start heading to the meeting right now. 

"-nd then I end up not being able to win!? That's just not flamboyant! I need another flashy win!" Uzu ranted with her arms crossed, 'whoops' Iroh thought, he had been tuning Uzu out.

"Don't you agree Iroh?" Uzu asked.

"Ah... yes?"

"Haha I knew it! I shall make them tremble before my Flamboyant might!" Uzu declared. Iroh sweat dropped, 'what was she talking about when I wasn't paying attention?'

Iroh cleared his throat, gaining Uzu's attention. "Uzu, as much as I would like to continue beating you in Paisho" Uzu pouted, "I must get going to the monthly war meeting, the Firelord gets grumpy at people not being on time." the retired general said.

"HEY! I'm super Flamboyant at Paisho! The next time I see you, I'll win for sure!" Uzu declared with a confident smile.

"I'd like to see you try," Iroh replied with a confident smile of his own.


Iroh was walking towards the Firelords chambers to attend the monthly ignore *cough* war meeting. When Iroh saw the curtains to the room, he saw his nephew, Prince Zuko looking angry at the two guards blocking the door.

"Let me in!" the prince demanded.

Iroh quickly walked up to diffuse the situation, placing a hand on the 13 year old's shoulder. "Prince Zuko, what's wrong?" Iroh asked in concern.

"I want to go to the war chamber but the guard won't let me pass." Zuko replied with a slight crack in his voice. Iroh then pulled Zuko aside to try to ease his worries.

"Your not missing anything, trust me. These meetings are dreadfully boring." Iroh explained.

Zuko then adopted an innocent smile, "If I'm going to rule this nation someday, don't you think I should start learning as much as I can?" Zuko asked.

Iroh contemplated, this wasn't Zuko simply having some immature need to be included or important. Zuko was trying his best to become the best Firelord he could for his nation.

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