10 - On a Journey

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Ayo! Sup! Boy it's been a while since I've updated this fanfic, but here we are! Enjoy!


Two years.

It's been TWO years since Iroh left with unflamboyant prince Zuko, and Uzu is bored out of her mind.

None of the servants in Iroh's estate even serve a remote challenge in Paisho or sparring. The only challenges Uzu faces is when she visits Sword Master Piandao, or Jeong Jeong, another master of the White Lotus in the Fire Nation.

Piandao rarely beats Uzu in Paisho, but he is certainly a challenge for Uzu. His sword skills are also extremely impressive, even able to cut through Uzu's flames, she'll have to remember him if she ever decides to pick up swordplay.

Jeong Jeong meanwhile, was a different story. In the few games of Paisho they've played, Jeong Jeong proved to be a very annoying opponent for Uzu. 

He sees through nearly every single trap that Uzu lays, and plays so slowly and conservatively it makes Uzu want to smash her head against the board. Uzu is the better one in skill, but Jeong Jeong still wins the majority of the time because his strategies often counter hers.

In sparing though, Uzu has learned that she still has a long way to go. Jeong Jeong's control of firebending is superior to even Iroh's, his discipline leaves Uzu in awe.

After seeing (with much convincing) Jeong Jeong's display of firebending, Uzu demanded that he teach her his ways. Jeong Jeong stubbornly refused, but Uzu was even more stubborn, and got her way.

The training proved to be very fruitful, Uzu learning to be much better at controlling her fire bending. She wasn't quite able to make perfectly square walls of fire like Jeong Jeong could, but she was close.

The most important thing she learned from Jeong Jeong however, was flying, and she loved it. She would spend hours inside the estate simply floating by constantly repelling herself into the air with her purple flames.

It looked pretty Flamboyant if she could say so herself, Jeong Jeong was a great teacher.

Now that Uzu thinks about it, the only master she hadn't met yet was Pakku of the water tribe, though they have contacted each other via letters.

She had been contacting many people via letters lately, she especially was excited for the letters that Iroh delivered to her once every month, they always put her into a good mood.

Mai and Tylee were also sending her letters every now and then since they left the Fire Nation.

Mai had gone to the recently capitulated Omashu with her family to take control of it. Pretty much every letter outlined how boring it was and how she hated her life.

'Uzu, Omashu is boring. Everyone is sad. I hate it. Mai'

Tylee meanwhile had decided to differentiate herself from her many siblings by joining a circus troupe. Her letters always contained bubbly comments about new tricks she performs and cute little stories about her life.

It was as Uzu was reminiscing about her letters that a servant knocked on her door. "Lady Uzu, Princess Azula wishes to speak with you." she intoned.

"Bring her in!" Uzu ordered with a smile.

Azula walked into the room with her signature confident smile. "Good day Uzu, I trust you've been doing well-" she was cut off by Uzu ramming into her with a hug.

"Azula! How've you been?!" Uzu asked.

"Mmph! Get off me this instant!" Azula demanded.

Uzu complied with a wide grin, "So what brings you here to my Flamboyant abode? Ready to fight me again the epic combat of Paisho?" 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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