07 - Omashu

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Hello mah bruhs! Today we're doing a full chapter! letsago! Enjoy!


"Woohoo! Onto Omashu we go!" A familiar white haired girl yelled, the ocean breeze pushing back her hair.

As celebration for becoming a master of the White Lotus, Iroh offered to bring Uzu to the city of Omashu, where another master was ruling. This was of course done in secret since Omashu was a city of the Earth Kingdom.

"You seem to be very excited Uzu," Iroh noted, Uzu just gave an even bigger smile.

"I am! I haven't even been on a Flamboyant boat before! This is amazing!" Uzu said in glee, fully high on adventuring spirit. Uzu, being in the Fire Nation had seen the ocean all of the time, but she still had no idea that the ocean went so far. 

"It's good to be excited, it's important to take in all that you can see from all cultures to widen you perspective on the world." Iroh said wisely. He also had another hidden intent under those words.

Iroh and Uzu would only be able to leave the Fire Nation for 3 weeks, since Iroh has to participate in the monthly bore meeting *cough* war meeting with the Firelord and all his Generals. Iroh is insuiating to take in as much as possible because they must make haste.

"Do you know what King Bumi is like Iroh? I heard that he single handedly 'invented' Kangaroo Island! I mean, how do you invent an Island, that must be incredible!" Uzu said in praise.

"King Bumi is certainly an interesting man, I'm sure you two will get along very nicely." Iroh said with a mischievious look.

Uzu, completely unaware, asks in giddiness, "Really?! I can get along with Flamboyant Bumi!? That's Flamboyant!" 

"I have also heard that Bumi has a pet named Flopsy, supposedly it's very giant." Iroh said. 

"He even has a Flamboyant pet?! Ooooooooohhhh, I can't wait to meet this guy!" Uzu said, pumping her fist in the air, accidentally letting out Purple flames.

"How about we play a game of Paisho while we wait, Omashu isn't going anywhere." Iroh suggested. 

"Your on Iroh! I'm gonna finally gonna achieve a Flamboyant victory!" Uzu said in confidence.


"YES! I WON! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Uzu declared. "After all these years! I finally beat the Flamboyant Iroh at Flamboyant Paisho!"

Uzu had never felt so much satisfaction in her life. She had spent so many hours studying, practicing and playing Paisho just to beat Iroh, and it had finally paid off.

Iroh meanwhile, was feeling very dejected. "My winstreak... my sweet and beautiful 27 year winstreak..." Iroh lamented.

"WOOHOO! Bow before me Iroh! I have defeated you Flamboyantly! I'm now the best Paisho player in the world!" Uzu boasted.

Before Uzu could brag any further, a knock was heard on the door. "Prince Iroh, Lady Uzu, we have arrived at the port." a messenger said.

Uzu immeadiately forgot about her victory and started to get excited in anticipation. "Iroh! Iroh! Iroh! We're finally going to be there!" Uzu said in excitement.

Iroh recovered from his tragic loss and put on a smile. "Alright then, let's get going." Iroh said, picking up a bag and pulling it over his back.

Uzu did the same with her own bag and then said "Let's Go!"

And with that, Iroh and Uzu headed to Omashu alone.


"Wow! That is the biggest city I've ever seen in my life!" Uzu said in awe. Currently, Uzu and Iroh were at the base of the winding hillpath to Omashu, the grand mountain city visible at the base.

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