08 - King Bumi

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Sorry for the comparatively late upload, I'll try to do better, but I'm lazy so probably not. Anyways, 1500 VIEWS!?!? I've never done anything that has garnered so much attention, it really fuels my ego y'know? Thank you for reading, tell others to read this so I can fuel my ego more. Enjoy!


"Flamboyant! Omashu's food is the flashiest I've ever seen! No wonder everyone gets so fat!" Uzu yelled in bliss, Iroh having a similar expression himself.

Bumi chewed on some beef jerky, "I heard that many times beef-ore." 

A cough was heard in the background.

Uzu deadpanned, "You serious...?"

In that moment, Uzu's respect for Bumi dropped by half.

Bumi just finished eating his beef jerky in silence.

Iroh cleared his throat, "So Bumi, why have you invited us here to this beautiful city?" Iroh asked with a smile.

Bumi just shrugged, "I dunno, I forgot." 

"Mmmmmmmm," Uzu mumbled in bliss, eating some chicken.

"You sure like your food old lady," Bumi remarked in thought.

Bumi then had a look of realization on his face. "Aha! I called you two here to meet with the youngest master of the White Lotus. But I don't see her among you..." Bumi said with a confused expression.

Uzu stood up off her seat in pride, "Why, that Flamboyant Master is my Flamboyant self!"

"Uzu is 12 years old," Iroh repeated from earlier.

"12? I thought you said she was 112." Bumi said.

"C'mon Iroh! Let me look good infront of Flamboyant King Bumi!" Uzu pouted, to which Iroh just gave a chuckle.

Bumi snorted, "Age is hardly a factor when it comes to skill... I think, do we count babies?" He questioned.

"I'm pretty sure babies can be Flamboyant... why would people have them if they weren't?" Uzu asked to herself.

Iroh just looked at the two with a slightly lost expression of the 'critical thinking' they are displaying.

Uzu ripped into another bite of chicken.

A cough was heard in the background.

"Hmmmmm... Oh! Bumi, can I have a, like... MASSIVELY FLAMBOYANT bag of those candy crystal thingies?" Uzu requested.

"*snort*, Sure I'll have one prepared for your departure" Bumi said.

The conversation continued on with Bumi's oddities, Uzu's endless worship of Bumi, and Iroh calmly watching, giving a few remarks here and there.

Bumi clapped his hands twice.

A bunch of guards and servants started fileing into the room, the guards standing guard while the servants clear the table.

As the servants were doing their servanty stuff, Uzu stifled a yawn.

Bumi narrowed his eyes, "It looks like you are tired, that won't do. Hey you! Escort these two to the good chamber." He ordered.

The guard Bumi pointed at looked confused, "Umm, sire, which chamber is that?"

"The one that wasn't the bad chamber and isn't under refurbishment." Bumi said gravely.

"Right away" the guard said. "Come this way please."

"Thank you very much Bumi, the tea was excellent." Iroh praised.

A Flamboyant Firebender (OC Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang