02 - A New Uzu

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When Uzu woke up, she was in a medical bed in the royal palace. The rain had cleared and the sun was up and bright, indicating a new day.

A smile formed on her face, Uzu didn't know why, but all the sudden she had the urge to move around and do a lot of things.

Uzu jumped off the bed with ethusiasm. "Alright! Let's do this!" Uzu declared to herself. 

Suddenly Uzu heard a gasp. "Lady Uzu, your awake. Are you alright?" 

Uzu turned her head towards the voice, who appeared to be an old nurse. 

She smiled even wider. "YES! I've never felt better in my entire life!" Uzu said with ethusiasm, striking an A pose, to the shock of the nurse.

This caused some hair to fall onto her face, which Uzu then recoiled in shock. 

"Woah! My hair is white... so flamboyant!" She said with giddy happiness.

"Um, milady, please sit down on your bed again." The nurse pleaded.

"Alright, I shall sit down with all my might!" Uzu giggled to herself in jest, proceeding to sit down on the medical bed.

"Alright Lady Uzu, let us discus- oh, please excuse my poor manners. My name is Esh, and I have been ordered by Lady Mai to take care you as you recover." Esh explained.

"Not to worry Esh! I feel completely flamboyant right now!" Uzu declared.

"Err, flamboyant?" Esh inquired, quickly covering her mouth at her rudeness to a noble.

"Yes! Flamboyant!" Uzu repeated, paying no mind. "Now Esh, tell me how my hair has turned white, it looks amazing!" Uzu commanded with a smile.

"Of course milady, it seems that due to the shock of your loss, your hair had turned white." Uzu winced slightly, but still didn't lose her smile.

"It seems that other than that there are no issues with your body, and you can freely do what you want with no physical issue." Esh explained.

"Then nothing is wrong. My hair is an upgrade more than anything, it's so flashy!" Uzu said in awe.

"Now milady, I shall now leave to bring you a change of clothing." Esh stated.

"Go ahead! Grab the most flamboyant clothes possible!" Uzu declared.

"Yes milady." Esh responded, leaving the room without another word. 

When she closed the door behind her, Esh sighed. Her master, Mai, didn't exactly own any clothing that could be described as "flamboyant".

Before Esh went to Mai's dresser to burrow some clothing, she saw it fit to give a report to her master first.


Mai was tapping her finger against the table anxiously, a rare state for the normally cold Mai to be in. 

Out of Mai's 3 friends, Mai likes Uzu the most by far, if only because she doesn't excessively nag her to do things.

Azula is always maliciously teasing her about a variety of things to assert her authority, especially about Zuko.

While Tylee isn't too bad, her constant bubbly and social personality clashes alot with Mai's pessimistic and quiet one.

Uzu meanwhile, is quite reserved herself, respectful of Mai's boundaries while still doing activities that they both enjoy. Like when they were reading that book together yesterday, that was nice.

With a sigh, Mai relayed the events that happened last night in her mind.


Mai had overheard a messenger yelling in the room next to her own, which happened to be Uzu's room. "Emergency message for Lady Uzu! You're family home is under attack!" Mai heard. 

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