Road Trip To War

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Belle walked out from the back and smiled to me. "Hello Alix. What's up?"

I smile and walk towards her. "Belle, have you ever been to Neverland?"

She shakes her head no.

"Do you want to go?" I ask.

"Why are you asking?" She asks.

"I need your help to win the war against Peter. Don't worry though, Jack, Tooth, Bunnymund, North, Gold, Sandy, Pitch, Emma, Snow, and Charming are all going too."

She nods. "I will help. It sounds like we will have a lot of help from other people too. Plus, I can finally go to Neverland with Rumple."

I smile and face Gold. I stick my tung out at him.

"But you cant go Belle. You could get hurt or even worse, killed. " He protested.

Belle walked over to him and touched his hand. "A friend of the town needs help. Big help, so I will help."

He gets mad and glares at me. I silently chuckle and smirk.

Me, Belle, and Gold all walk out of the shop and to grannies. I see Emma with Snow and Charming there.

"What took you guys so long?" Emma asked.

"Well, Mr. Gold wanted to argue with me about Belle coming. But she put up a good fight and is coming." I said with a slight smile.

"Good, now, how are we going to get to Neverland?" She asked.

I forgot about that.

I could ask Jack, but he might be upset with me for leaving. I could fly them there.

"We will do something dangerous, just let me go do something."

I ran to the restrooms and changed out of the armor. It felt good to be out of the metal.

I ran back to them.

"Okay, so I will fly you all there. So, Emma, grab my hand and everyone grab on to someone's hand until we are a hand holding line."

They did as I said and we were about to take off when I was stopped.

"WAIT!" I heard someone shout. It was Henry.

I turned only to see Henry out of breath.

"I am coming with you." He said.

"No your not." Me and Emma said in unison.

"Yes I am. I want to help."

"Henry no." I said sternly.

"I've been before and know the land. I know a lot about Pan and the boys."

"Yes, but you almost died last time Henry." Emma said.

"I don't care, I am coming." He said as he ran up to grab my hand.

He clutched it with a great force and refused to let go, no matter what anyone said.

"We are going to war Henry. Emma will kill me if you got hurt."

"And my other mom, Regina. But I don't care. I want to help. I will help, now lets go."

I look at Emma apologeticly and kick off the ground ready to go when I was stopped again.

"HENRY!" A woman yelled.

I sighed.

"Henry, where are you going?" She asked.

"To Neverland to help defeat Pan."

"No your not. And excuse me, but who are you?"

"My name is Alix. You must be Regina."

"I am. Why were you taking my boy to Neverland?"

"Because he wont let go of my hand no matter what we say. We are going to war to defeat Pan. It is the only way for me to gain my freedom from him."

"Then I am coming. Henry, stay here."

"No. I wont."

"Give up already Regina, he's not staying. He made his point clear."

She sighed.

"Now, lets go."

"WAIT!" A man called.

"Oh my gosh! Who now!?"

"Where are you all going?"

"We are going to Neverland Hook." Emma said.

"I'm coming."

I sighed. This will be harder than I thought it would be.

"Now, on with our road trip to war." I said as we flew off to Neverland.

Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating in a long time, but my tablet broke and I had to get it fixed and yeah. Please forgive me! The real action will start in the next chapter. This is really kinda just a filler. But whatever. Comment, vote, subscribe!


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