"C'mon the food's getting cold," he called as she saw the girls stumbling out of the bedroom. 

"You can cook?," Mae teased and he threw a wash cloth at her face as a silent way of telling her to shut the fuck up. She laughed at the gesture before walking to the sink to wash her hands, she almost awed at the sight of the three dog bowls with food that Rip must have brought with him. 

She smiled at the two as she joined them at the table for breakfast. 

"Thank you, both of you, for last night, for this morning. You didn't have to help and I-," Rip interrupted her. 

"Stop right there. You come here whenever you need it, neither of us will ever turn you away. I don't care how late or early, night or day, summer or winter. We love you, Cub, and if coming to us helps in anyway then you do that. Hell I'll even start building you your own bedroom."

"He's right. Stay out of that fucking head of yours and focus on us, on the people that love you, on your damn dogs, on anything or anyone you need to get through this, because honey we'll rip the world apart for you," Beth added. 

"I love you both so much, and I'm going to try, I promise to try," Mae replied as she felt a small smile on her lips. 

"That's all we can ask for," Rip replied as he squeezed her hand. 


Mae showered in her room and got dressed in some riding clothes and her swimsuit. It might have been cold and in the winter but she wasn't spending her day in her room anymore, and there was someone she definitely needed to see. 

"Morning Gator," she smiled as she walked into the kitchen. 

"Morning Miss Mae, it's so good to see you. You look a little skinny, I baked some cookies, let me get you that with some hot cocoa and ice cream, I can whip up some doughnuts too? I have a better idea pizzas and chocolate brownies, okay just give me a couple of minutes and I will-" Mae's laugh interrupted him and he stopped to stare at her confused. 

"Gator, I really appreciate you but I already had breakfast at Rip's. However, I might take you up on that pizza, brownies, cookies and hot cocoa. Can you do me a favour?" 

"For you, Miss Mae? Anything," Gator replied and she smiled in excitement. 

"Can you make me a picnic basket for three people, for the springs?"

"For you and," Gator pointed up at the stairs. 

"Yeah, it's uh time for the healing to start," Mae nodded her head. 

"Can you give me two hours?," he asked as he arched his brow. 

"Thank you," Mae smiled as she kissed his cheek. 

"Oh and when we leave here, can you please get out one of Archie or Willows old puppy bowls? I have a phone call to make." 


After hanging up after her video call with Charlie, Liam and Avery, which was more of a half an hour of her assuring them that she was okay than anything else, she walked down the hall. 

She softly knocked on the bedroom door and heard Monica's voice telling her she could come in. She opened the door and saw Tate and Monica sitting on the little boy's bed, they were watching some show. 

"Hi," Mae smiled softly. 

"I'll give you two a minute," Monica smiled back as she got up, "It's so good to see you." 

Mae smiled at her as she walked towards Tate's bed and gestured to it: "Can I sit with you?"

The little boy nodded but he couldn't meet her eyes. Mae sat down next to him and took in a deep breath, she didn't really know how to start this conversation. 

A Gambling Man // Ryan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now