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Third person's pov:

Liam woke up from the noise coming from the unorganized and filthy kitchen.Out of curiosity,he got up from his dusty and ripped up mattress filled with stains and made his way to the kitchen which was connected to the old and rather cluttered living room, bottles of beer and packets of drugs along with one or two needles laying around on the floor.

"M-Mama?" Little Liam called out for his mother, "what do you want brat" she grumbled as she got up from the couch and made her way over to her cowering son.

Liam slowly backed away from his mother in fear."H-hungry" Liam stuttered out nervously. "You ungrateful brat! I gave you food already!" She shouted raising her hand that held her glass of alcohol, she threw the glass bottle, half filled with alcohol at poor Liam who had tears running down his cheeks as blood trickled down his stomach.The glass had hit his torso partly and shattered, the glass shards spreading out on the dirty and stained floor along with the beer.

"No m-mama please s-stop" Liam mumbled in fear as his mother rolled her eyes.She went back to the couch as Liam sighed in relief.Eleia, Liam's mother picked up one of the needles from the floor, injecting some sort of substance in her veins leaving Liam confused as to what she just injected into her system.Liam watched as his mothers eyes rolled to the back of her eyes, he flinched back as tears started rolling down his mothers cheeks. "M-mama, don't be sad" poor Liam spoke as he bravely made his way to the couch, his mother passing out before he got there.He got the blanket that was sprawled out on the floor and placed it on his mother before going back to his tiny and dirty mess of a room

Liam sighed as he sat down on his filthy mattress thinking about what he had just witnessed.Sure he had seen his mother do all types of horrendous things but it always came as a shock to him.He had always wanted a loving parent but scolded himself from thinking he could ever replace his mother.He thought everyone went through the terrifying things he had went through.He thought it was normal.

But little did Liam know, it was far from normal.

After a few hours, 9:00 pm

After Liam woke up, he panicked.He had forgotten that his mother said that there was going to be a visitor visiting his rat nest of a home.He ran over to kitchen trying to make little to no noise as he did not want to wake his mother up.

He got out a rusty bucked from one of the unstable cabinets and a filthy sponge from beside the sink before going to the drawer and retrieving the soap bottle.He filled up the rusty bucket with water as quietly as he could before squeezing some soap in from the soap bottle, watching the soap drizzle in the water and mixing in after a few moments.He then made his way to the living room where his mother laid there on the ripped up and half decent couch, asleep.

He set the bucket beside him and dipped the sponge into the soapy water and rubbed the sponge against the dirty floor.He made sure to clean the house and make it spotless,or else his punishment will be worse than earlier.He had learnt it the hard way.

By the end of it his fingers were bleeding because of how roughly he had to scrub the filthy and dirty floors. Once he was almost done scrubbing the kitchen floor his mother had started to gain her consciousness.

"Brat?!" She called out to Liam, "I-I'm here!" Liam informed his mother as he drunkenly made her way to him. "What are you doing?." She asked, glaring at the child who was sitting on the floor with a rusty bucket beside him and a yellow, now grey sponge in his small hands. Liam looked at the sponge in his hand before looking up at his mother "c-chores!" He spoke enthusiastically, proud of himself for remembering to do them."hurry up. He'll be here soon." His mother spoke coldly referring to the 'visitor', before she went to the fridge to retrieve a few beer bottles.

After his mom left the kitchen he picked up the bucket of soapy water,being as careful as he could to not drop it. He put the bucket on the edge of the sink, tilting the bucket forward so that the water would go out the bucket and into the sink. After all the dirty water had been drained, he gave the rusty bucket a rinse before putting it back into the unstable cabinet. He gave the sponge a rinse as well before putting it back into the drawer.

Liam flinched as a few bangs were heard before foot steps came stomping. A man with greasy hair, dirty tank top, dark washed jeans and an untrimmed beard came in with a smug look. Liam's mother looked in the man's direction before smirking, Liam watched as his mother and the unknown guy sat down at the couch, sniffing weird looking pills. Liam watched,horrified at the scene. "M-mama?" Poor Liam called out to his mother only to have her ignore him. He watched as they got drunk.

After a while he quietly and discreetly walked back to his room, trying not to attract the attention of his mother and the strange guy in his crappy 'home'.

Liam sat down on his ripped up and filthy mattress, tears gliding down his cheeks. Soon his tears were flowing down his rosy cheeks like a waterfall, and he couldn't do anything to stop them from falling.

He rubbed tears after tears, but still. He couldn't stop them from flowing. Liam sat there frustrated. He felt bad for thinking about wanting another parent other than his mother but he couldn't help but think about it, what is normal? Did everyone go through this? Was it only him? Or was it everyone? Why him?

Ignoring the tears, Liam laid down on his mattress as he fell into a restless sleep full of nightmares haunting his head.

1050 words,

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