Alex and Diana

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Name: Alex brown

Pronouns: they/them

Sexuality: bisexual

Blood status: muggle-born

Alice Brown(mother- muggle)
David Brown(father- muggle)
(never got adopted)

Dating: Diana Jones

House: ravenclaw

Year: 7th

Personality: Loves hanging out with the teens, doesn't have much friends but has a good relationship with everyone, no enemies, helpful person and helps everyone in need, puts everyone before themself due to which they often pushes their own emotions down

Likes: spending time with their girlfriend or their friends

Hates: when they are forced to hangout with someone or big crowds

(I'm not telling you their deadnames as I don't want anyone dead naming them)

Extra information: they started using they/them pronouns ever since the start of the 2nd year. Everyone was very supportive of them. Before the 2nd year started they told their parents first. Their father was super supportive but their mother was not so supportive. Their father talked some sense into their mother. No one ever dead named or mis gendered them except for one time(you'll find out who but that person apologised) they became friends with the teens during their 3rd year.

Name: Diana Jones

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: pansexual

Blood status(according to her adoptive parents): half-blood

Parents(biological): no idea who, died when she was baby due to a car accident


Jake Jones(papa- muggle-born)
Dave Jones(father- half blood)

Dating: Alex Brown

House: ravenclaw

Year: 7th

Personality: rude to people she just met, trust issues, warms up to someone who knows her well and if she trusts them, if you get on her bad side you may end up in the hospital wing

Likes: spending time with her lover alone

Dislikes: people she doesn't trust, Alex's behaviour of putting people before themself, people who take advantage of Alex's behaviour

Extra information: she was adopted when she was 9. No one wanted her as she had a few scars on her which made her 'ugly' for people (she had these scars from her previous adoptive family when she was just 2yrs old). But then the gay couple adopted her. She was insecure about her scars but then her parents told her she was beautiful just the way she is. She wears makeup even if no one makes fun of her scars. The teens used to hate her during the 5th year(why? You'll find out) but when she and Alex became friends they started to warm up to her.

Some more info about the 2:
Before they started dating they were kind of enemies. Diana thought Alex used to help people for attention. She used to call them hurtful names but made sure to never misgender them. But one day, during their 5th year, she accidentally misgenders and deadnames them(this is why the teens hated her). This hurts them a lot and they start ignoring her. She apologised to them at the end of the 5th year and they accepted the apology. Then they become friends. After a few hangouts Diana realises that Alex was actually kind and Alex realises who Diana actually was behind the rude mask she puts on. They start to fall for each other. Diana confesses to Alex during their 6th year and they start dating.

If you have any questions ask.....

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