Chapter 7

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(After they all reached the RoR)
There was an awkward silence between the future and the past teens. All of them wanted to break this silence but no one knew how. Finally james decided he had had enough "So...... Do you have any questions?" He asked the past teens. "Actually I do. Did the person snape married is who I think it is?" Asked Draco. The teens understood who he was talking about and nodded.

Draco was squealing on the inside but just nodded on the outside. Being a Malfoy gives you a trait of controlling your emotions. How else do you think Draco was able to control himself from squealing till all the people in the room go deaf.

The RoR had transformed into a normal dorm any student from hogwarts will have but instead of a specific house colour there were different beds for different teens according to their houses.

There was a table in the center surrounded by chair each person took 1 chair saving 2 seats for the professors. Everyone sat next to their future life partners. The future teens sat between the 2 seats reserved for the professors. Pansy had Blaise on the other side Ron had Harry on the other side Draco had a seat reserved for his godfather Luna was beside the chair reserved for Remus and Ginny had Hermoine on her other side. The future teens sat between the seats reserved for the professors.(The exact seating arrangement will be in one of the future chapter. The chapter with ✨. Although the seating arrangement is not that important.)

Before anyone could say anything 2 red faced professors came in.

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