Chapter 13

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(Past pov)

After eating lunch everyone went to their respective rooms in groups.

The future teens went together to the RoR, the past teens went to their respective dorms and the teachers went to Severus' office.

When the future teens reached the RoR, they all changed into comfortable clothes and went to their beds and started talking about what happened today.

"How long do you think we're going to be here?" Scarlett asked while laying on her bed.

"I don't know...... it can be a few days or weeks maybe even more than that.." Olivia replied to her girlfriend in a tone of sadness while they both were cuddling.

"Do you think they've realised that we're gone?" James asked curious as he sat up on his bed.

"Probably..... there were many people in the library and Alex was also supposed to come at that spot so..." Scorpius replied looking up from the book he was reading.

"It'll take sometime for dad to make the antidote of the potion if he doesn't know what we put in the potion..." He thought out loud.

"Wait how long?" Fred asked with a hint worry in his voice.

"A week I guess..." Scorpius replied.

"What if he knew what we put in?" Albus asked while looking at Scorpius.

"Then we would probably be sleeping in our dorms right now." Scorpius replied.

"I saw some purple flowers fall into the potion." Albus said quietly but loud enough for Scorpius to hear.

"Wait really?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes when James knocked down the bottle I was paying attention on the potion and saw purple flowers fall into the couldron." Albus said loud enough for everyone in the RoR to listen.

"There are many purple flowers how does this help us?" James said while sighing and laying back on the bed.

"I thought it'll help us figure out what was added in the potion....." Albus said looking at his hand with a bit of sadness in his voice. He had hoped that this information may help in some was but guess he was wrong.

"It did help Albus!!" Scorpius said with a big smile on his face while. "How?" Albus asked, his face Matching the look of confusion on everyone's face.

"We were brewing love potion. There are no purple flowers in the ingredients. But I was planning on brewing Wolfsbane later after the tutoring!! It's main ingredient is a flower called Wolfsbane or Aconite and guess what colour is it? Purple!" Scorpius explained to the other while the others made a sound of 'o's telling Scorpius they understood what he was saying. Everyone started smiling knowing that they figured out what they did wrong.

"But...." Scorpius started making everyone one's smile turned into a concerned look. "How are we going to get this information to dad? I mean our timeline's dad.... we can't wait till a week. The more days we stay here the more of future we'll affect." A look of realisation replaced the concerned one. They hadn't thought about that. They are going to ruin the future if they stayed here for a long time.

"We can oblivate them?" James said trying to help the situation.

"Of course we'll oblivate them James but we'll still effect the future even if it's for a few days.... like if our parents get together or start developing feelings for each other now we can't oblivate those feelings. All of your parents except for Olivia's are not supposed to be in love until after the war. What if they act on their feelings faster?" Scorpius said getting anxious. Albus moved closer to scorpius and held his hand with his right hand while rubbing his left hand behind scorpius' back in a comforting way. This made him calm down. He thanked Albus as Albus went back to his bed.

"How is that a bad thing?" James asked curiously.

"The future will change if that happens we may be born earlier than were supposed to. I know it can't be that bad but what if it is? We can't mess with the time.." scorpius explained clearly annoyed with him not being able to connect the dots.

"But they've still developed a small crush right now do...." James said not realising the annoyance in Scorpius' voice.

"Yes I know but the longer that crush will be the deeper they will fall and the harder it'll be for them to snap out of it..." Scorpius explained further in a more annoyed tone.

"Well, we have to somehow give this information to grandpa..." James thought out loud making everyone relieved that he finally understood otherwise Scorpius would've had lost it. The atmosphere in the RoR was tense. Really tense. All of them were brainstorming about what they should do. But the atmosphere made Scarlett uncomfortable as her girlfriend had also sat up and was brainstorming with them. She decided it was better if she did something to make the atmosphere around her more comfortable.

"Let's sleep right now it's already late and we're going to fry our brains like that. We'll think about it tomorrow with a fresh mind!" Scarlett said making everyone snap out of their brainstorming and realising the atmosphere around the RoR.

"I guess you are correct we all should sleep." Olivia said getting back to cuddling her girlfriend

"Freddy would you like to sleep in the same bed as me!?" James said dramatically.

"Ofcourse James it would be my absolute pleasure." Fred said matching the James' dramatic tone as he went over to James' bed and cuddled with him.

"Not dating my ass..." All of them muttered tired of them flirting with each other and still saying they're 'just friends'. (Just as painful as Adrien calling Marinette 'just a friend'.)

"Are you sure you'll be okay with sleeping alone?" Albus said to Scorpius. He used to get anxious very quickly. Special when they were in a bad situation out of which they are not getting out anytime soon.

"I'm sure Albus. I'll be fine." Smiling at Albus.

"Ok then. But if you need me I'm just right beside your bed. Don't hesitate to wake me up, even if it's past midnight ok." Albus said to which Scorpius nodded while smiling as they both went to their beds.

'Ugh another oblivious lovers!' Olivia and Scarlett thought as they went back to cuddling. The teens turned of the light and laid down, hoping they'll be sleeping in their own timeline the night after.


Since no one answered in the updates book I decided to upload it now only.......

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