Chapter 1- The Hockey Boy

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The puck is slammed against the walls of the rink and closely followed is the sound of bodies slamming into the plexiglass window. I watch with a worried and confused expression. Shouldn't that be illegal? I don't understand why people would ever want to play such a violent game. It's kinda fun to watch, though.

"Tatum, why did you drag me here? You know I know nothing about hockey."

"Neither do I, I'm just here to watch Joey play. I brought you because our whole friend group is coming and you need to be here too, wether you like it or not."

Me and Tatum have been friends since we were little. Our parents went to University together and are still friends. We're part of a small friend group made up of four more people- Nia, perky and sweet, but not in an annoying way. Luna, she can be aggressive at times, but is smart and headstrong. Ezrah, loves hanging with his friends and playing video games, but is super fun to be around. And James, quiet and shy, except when he's around us. Ezrah and James are dating, and like me and Tatum, have been inseparable since birth.

"Hey guys! I brought the goods!" Ezrah comes around the corner holding packs of gummy worms and power-aid. I guess I'll have to ditch my "diet" goals. Followed closely behind is James and Nia holding more packs of gummies and chips.

"Hey guys!" Tatum grabs a pack of gummies and turns back to the game, not wanting to miss a second of her beloved Joey that she met a week ago at some party. Hopefully this doesn't last because these rinks are way too cold.

I grab a pack of Doritos and see Luna walk in with some other girl, probably one she met online.

"Hey guys, this is Gia, the girl I was talking about." Gia is dressed in a heavy winter coat, at least someone came prepared.

The buzzer rings all throughout the rink signaling a point for Brooks High School. Tatum cheers with the rest of the crowd and looks like an idiot. I mean I've never even met this Joey guy, he better be drop dead gorgeous to be worth all this effort.


The buzzer rings again signaling the end of the game. Tatum jumps up and starts walking over to where Joey is. Ezrah is friends with a few of the guys on the team so him and Tatum take the lead, leaving the rest of us following behind. We reach their area and Tatum runs up to a tall guy with a number 13 on his jersey. He takes off his helmet and she jumps up and gives him a kiss, his dark hair falling over his eyes. I haven't seen this man's face yet, but I know he's going to be attractive. Hockey guys are almost always hot, but I can tell he is in the way he moves, just the way he is. 

"You did great, Joey." Tatum smiles up at him and he puts an arm over her shoulder. I can't help but stare at him. His face looks almost unreal, and I have the sudden urge to reach out and touch it, to make sure it's really there. He looks like dream. He's stunning. 

"Thank you" Joey smiles at Tatum as he says this and then looks up from her to acknowledge the rest of us. His eyes imediatly fall on me and all of the sudden I feel trapped in his gaze. This eyes are the deepest shade of brown. 

I look away as soon as I realize how intently we are staring at each other, and it sinks in that I probably seem really weird to him now. He never did look away, though. Ezrah does some handshake with some other guys on the team and Tatum detaches herself from Joey.

"Joey, these are my friends, James, Nia, Luna and her girlfriend Gia, and Maddelyn, and of course you know Ezrah." Tatum points to all of us as she says our names. I give Joey a slight friendly smile, hoping we can move on from whatever just happened, but his eyes linger on mine for a slight second too long. Maybe it's just me looking into everything... or maybe it wasn't. Whatever.

"Hey," Joey gives us all a smile and flips his hair out of his face. "I'm going to go change, it was nice meeting you all! We should hang out sometime." He whispers something down at Tatum and she giggles.
Joey walks away and Tatum walks over to me.

"Soooo, what do you think about Joey? He's cute, isn't he?" Tatum has a giddy smile and I just shake my head.

"Yeah, sure." I say smiling and I wasn't just agreeing to make her happy... he is really cute.

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