Her Dream

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Cassandra POV.

    I woke up in a dark room as my brain pieced together my surroundings. The coolness of the sheets and the smell of a freshly lit candle reassured me. I kept thinking of the trees and the sound of gun which echoed throughout my brain. It was hard to focus. It's like I'm stuck in the past while living in the present.

   "Look who's awake sleepyhead," Kai put down a book she was reading next to me.

    I froze. This woman drugged me. "What the hell was that about Kai!?"

She looked over to me with a puzzled expression, "what was what about? I'm sorry, I really thought we could be past the awkwardness of seeing each other naked."

I grabbed myself to cover up but I was fully clothed. I was now wearing silk pajamas that matched Kai's. "No. The drugs Kai, don't play dumb and the woods."

"Babygirl. Is that what you were dreaming about? I was wondering why you were so fussy. I even felt your head and made you some tea because I thought you were having fever dreams. If it eases your mind, I would not be caught dead in the woods." She caressed my cheek and I leaned into it.

"I don't believe your lies Mrs. Braxton."

"Then don't."

"You're not going to try to convince me that what you're saying is true?"

"I don't have to defend myself to false allegations so you can choose to believe whatever it is you want." She kissed my forehead and continued reading her book.

"I know what happened."

"Okay babygirl. I think you had a stressful day at the doctors and I will not let you take this long of a nap next time if you're going to wake up extra grouchy at night."

"Im not grouchy." I huffed and rolled over while mumbling how her mind games don't work on me.

However, she was so sure of herself and barely even paid my accusations any attention which made me believe her. Maybe my night tares are coming back. I should go see the doctor again.

   "I know you're not sleeping, but you need to turn off your brain and go back to sleep. You have an interview at Lux Studios in the morning as an intern."

   "Huh I didn't even apply."

   "I know. After being accused like that, I should call them and let them know you're too insane to make it." She chuckled.

   "WHAT NO! I mean I'm fine I'm just hella drowsy. Nothing more sleep won't fix. They really have a three year application process. How did you do this I would've had to applied my sophomore year of high school."

   "Let's just say the owner owes me a favor, but it's just an interview, so get your rest and you can thank me later."

   "Thanks babe."

    "Babe?" She raised an eyebrow.

   "Ehh I'm trying it out. You're not as bad as people say." I smiled and wiggled under the covers.

    Tomorrow is going to be exciting. The first day if my personal adventure as a designer.

Hey guys hope you're enjoying the story. Remember to comment and vote 💚💙 I appreciate u alllllll❤️❤️

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