The Submission

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Cassandra POV.

   She left me with the necklace in my hand. It was small and elegant. It was something that would go well with most outfits. The jewel in the middle slightly moved down when I pressed on it. I quickly let go remembering if I hold it down for long Kai and the guards would come in.

   A part of me wanted to test it out for good measures, but my head hurt far too much to be playing games all day with Kai. A few moments later, a short middle age man came into the room after knocking.

   "Good afternoon Mrs. Braxton, I've come to take a lookey at your head here."

   I nodded and complied with his series of tests. "Am I okay?" I asked as he wrote on his notepad.

   "No. You are dying."

    He looked into my eyes with sincerity and gently grabbed my shoulder. My eyes widen with shock. Then, he started to chuckle. He must not be good with delivering bad news.

   "Haaaa, you should've seen your face. You are perfectly fine just some bruising of the head, but no concussion. Please just take it easy, rest, and ice. You are healthy as a horse. Also, forgive my manners, I am Dr. Shu, if you ever need anything please feel free to call my cell." He handed me his card.

   "Ahhh you're a funny doctor" I sighed in relief.

   "Sorry, if I scared you Miss, I have three children of my own it's old habit by my age. But, in future reference if something was wrong with you, I would tell you without the bullshit."

   "Well thanks," as I said that Kai walked into the room.

   "How is she doc?"

   The doctor and I both glanced at each other and laughed and he left the room shaking his head.

"What was that about?" She questioned me.

"I'm dying." She stood there blankly, "jeez you're no fun. I'm fine I need to rest and ice."

"Ok, I will bring some up. Go back to bed."

"I'm not sleepy."

"Well watch some TV."

"We have a TV in this room!?"

"Yeah, sorry. I know you don't have a phone to control everything yet. Here's mine. You go to the remote app and press tv. It will pop out of the table at the bottom of the bed. Well, I'll leave you be then." She informed me.

Kai went into the study. She had all of the streaming platforms, but I was in the middle of watching Shameless on Netflix before I came to live here. I began the show from season 2 episode 7 and soon after I fell asleep.

When I woke up Kai was munching on chips as I laid on her leg. She began to speak as I stretched, "Well jeez it's 2am I hope you slept long enough. I was curious on how you were doing and then I glanced at the tv and these characters were just so chaotic, so we are now on season 2 episode 1."

I giggled, "so you were in bed with me most of the day?"

"Well, I had to make sure you were okay. You were moaning in pain with all your tossing and turning. Good thing I came when I did because you almost fell off the bed."

"Hmmm okay, whatever you say. I think you just wanted to have a lazy day."

"No sleep for the wicked," she smiled at me and then continued watching the show.

I yawned, "before I go back to sleep," I reached over to the side table and pulled out the packet from the drawer, "I meant to give this to you the other day, but I accept all the terms. Not like I had a choice in not signing it as you would just go to war with my family."

"I'm surprised you signed it so quickly" she took the packet and placed it onto of her nightstand next to the bag of chips.

"I don't care for my family, but they're good people, just not great parents."'I yawned again and laid back down on my side of the bed.

"Goodnight Cas."

"Night Kai."

Her Permission (Lesbian Story)(girlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora