The Lady of the House

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Cassandra POV.

  As Kai left the room, I took the surrounding in. When we opened the door, two couches were on either side of a small black glass desk. Then the wall behind it what's a long tinted glass window. This room was modern.

  On the left was a fireplace with a painting of the town, and on the right was a large bed with black silk sheets and burgundy silk pillowcases. The girl in me wanted to jump on the bed, but then my brain told me that it was probably Kai's bed.

   "So, we share a room?" I asked Miss Dawson.

   "Well, honey, considering you're now married, it makes only sense to act like it."

   "I guess you're right. I don't like women though Miss Dawson."

   The room was quiet for a few minutes while I continued to look around the room. There was two small nightstands on either side of the bed, but both of them were empty. I walked toward the fire place and stared into the fire from the floor.

  "Well, if you touch the painting on the bottom right corner the bookcase in the corner there pops open so you can enter the private study. Then the doors on either side of the bed there will lead you into a walk-in closet followed by the bathroom. It is quite unique." Miss Dawson chose to ignore my comment from earlier.

   I entered the study and was amazed to see the key right on top with a small note for me. The note read: For Cassandra Braxton with great apologies and sincere beginnings. I smiled slightly and took the key into my palm. I sat down in the big chair and stared into the fire place. However, I could see through the fire and into the bedroom.

   Before I could even speak Miss Dawson responded "you can never be too safes person should always have themselves and their family set straight. On the TV behind you, you also have access to the security cameras outside of the property, but don't worry none are inside the house unless you permit it."

  "Why do I have to permit anything?"

   "Because Mrs. Braxton, you are now the lady of the house."

    "Isn't Kai a lady also?"

   "Well, biologically yes, but she is the sole heir of the late Mr. Braxton's empire, so she inherits the responsibilities of business and since you married into this family you injury the responsibilities of the house."

   "So what now? She makes me cook and clean for her??" I scoffed and Miss Dawson chuckled.

   "No ma'am. You have me and Carl to keep those duties in tact. You oversee the staff. Plan the events. Give to charity. Dictate your needs and we fulfill your demands. If you want a bigger pool, we build a bigger pull. If you want a new kitchen set we will find a new kitchen set, but with kindness and honor you will gain the most respect."

  "Kai doesn't have kindness or honor." I stated as I stated into Miss Dawson's soft eyes.

   "I know this may be new to you, but how can you judge a person you hardly know? I understand you might not be into girls, but until you embrace it how would you even know? Isn't trying more important? Please excuse me I have to get ready for your dinner. The maids will send you up a dress shortly, please wear it."

   Great, now I feel like the bad guy. I sighed and slouched in the chair. I hid the key behind the tv and returned to the smaller desk in the middle of our room.
Dear Miss Claire,
         There are roles any normal wife must fill in a marriage, but your role will be more extensive.
        You will not bring shame to the Braxton's family name and reputation.
         You are permitted a life outside of your marriage, but every action you make must be in consideration for not only your own reputation, but for Kai Braxton's. Therefore, you will not be allowed to attend clubs, parties, or night events unless in accompany with Kai Braxton.
          When you hear any business talk in the house of Braxton, you must be obedient to the Mistress of the house and remain a calm and admirable host to all guests regardless of personal opinion.
           You must always have class and manners in all public settings.
            You must fulfill your wifely duties to Miss Braxton whenever and however she deems appropriate. You must submit to her and her judgement as head of the household.
            You will be required to carry at least one child from Braxton descent in your womb and to term.
            With all your power, you must abide by the house of Braxton and it's rules and regulations. The only way out of the contract is by receiving Braxton's permission. As long as you respect the rules of the Braxton empire and try your best to be a good wife, no harm will follow you.               
              Furthermore, if you are ever unsure of your roles or expectations or disagree with anything the Mistress of Braxton has deemed fit for you, you must seek her permission to change, nullify, or release you from previous standards or contracts.
             In the event, you do not comply, serious or fatal injuries may incur. In the events, Kai Braxton neglects to function in her role as head of the Braxton empire you may request a release from the contract by obtaining three signatures from Carl Kingston, Rebecca Dawson, and Kai Braxton.
         I hereby understand these terms and pledge myself to my wife Kai Braxton:
        I hereby accept the responsibilities to my new wife Mrs. Cassandra Braxton:
          Kai Micah Braxton

Her Permission (Lesbian Story)(girlxgirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang