The Unconsentual Contract

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Kai POV.

I walked Dom into my private office located in a secret room in my backyard. This room was hidden from everyone except Miss Dawson who never came inside. The door was inside a planetarium room which helps because I do a lot of my own gardening, but there is one patch of fake plants that act like door handles to my underground lair.

I would not be inviting Dom here with expensive liquor if Cass didn't sound so helpless. I don't know what I can do to help a boy like him, but the least I can do is make sure he has a normal life away from
Dom... for her sake. Then maybe she will enjoy this marriage more and see I'm not a completely bad person. I can be capable of making her content and her small form of submission pleases me. To have her at my will would be much easier and therefore she shall be rewarded.

As we reach the room I turned on the TV and used my phone to cast the security footage from the event. I know Dax is watching after her but you never know where trouble lurks. I grabbed two glasses and began to pour. Dom begrudgingly looked at me and we both raise our glasses to our lips as we took our first sips.

After the third round, his posture loosened and we sat in two chairs staring blankly into the TV.

"You may not agree with my methods, but deep down you know I am right. You shouldn't have allowed to have such control over such a big event." He began.

"Well maybe I'm trying a different approach."

"For your sake, I hope it doesn't get her killed or worse auctioned. Because technically everyone has a price and I'm not even talking about people wanting her and her family as a trophy. I am talking about people wanting her to be trained for you. Oh the amount of credit the council would give to make sure you had the best. Oh what credit your father would give-" he grinned ear to ear.

"We do not discuss my father, Dom."

"No, you don't. Everyone else knows he is watching from below and he's ready to bring up hell if you stray off his path. Believe it or not kid, our way of life is rough, but what's even tougher is a girl who doesn't know her place. You are the superior here and in a way we are your disciples, but she is so naive. You are daddy's little heir and there isn't a single person in that room who wouldn't kill for you. Screw the bullshit sexual parties... you need her to know her place and if you're not going to step up and put her there then most people in that room would gladly break her for you."

"Most?" I turned my head at his statement.

"There are always snakes in the garden and honestly you're the first girl to maintain this said garden, so you potentially have more snakes."

"Are you one Dom?"


"Then let's strike a deal?"

"I'm listening."

"I want the boy. He is not your next of kin and I feel like you're holding on to a dead lover, so release him to me-"

"I don't see where I benefit from this."

"I'll make sure he is taken care and it will give Cassandra peace of mind which will help me with my methods. In turn, I will find the person who murdered her and bring them to you for your pleasure. Plus, you can count that the boy would be safe with me."

"Hmm, he isn't just a dead lovers son, ya know?"

"I know, but his illegitimacy puts him at a higher risk the longer he is around you. Get your ducks in a row and sign him over to me. I will make sure he never has to want for anything or fear if anyone will find out about you. More specifically, your eldest son becuse personally I don't think either one of your younger sons drowned."

Dom looked me in the face expressionless, "okay, but one more thing. I will do it, but if your wife does not know her place in 16 months time then I will personally take care of her for you. Deal?" He reached out his hand.


"Enjoy your honeymoon and unconventional experiment Boss. I hope you know what you're doing."

"Me too." I mumbled as we walked back to the party.

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