Thursday arrived and the girls went to drop off their friend at the airport. They said their goodbyes and there was a special hug for Ekaterina from Elizabeth's part, knowing that it would take a few before they could see each other again. Ekaterina would be leaving the next day while Anastasia would be going to L.A on Monday.

Nothing much had happened, things seemed to have calmed down. No one was being followed, no strange things happening, although they were cautious. Friday arrived and it was only Anastasia and Ekaterina. Just like the old times, Ina thought to herself. The girls had gone out to a restaurant, they were having lunch, enjoying their last day together. "Завтра ты уедешь в Европу... (So you'll leave for Europe tomorrow...)" Anastasia said while taking a bite of her food. Ekaterina replied with a sad smile "Я тоже не хочу тебя бросать, но ты знаешь, что я должна. (I don't want to leave you either but you know I have to)". "я знаю. (I know)" Anastasia paused for a second before asking "Ты вернешься к своей?  (Are you going back at yours?)". Ina chuckled knowing Tia wanted to get as much information as possible, like always "только на несколько дней. (Only for a few days)". "Куда ты потом пойдешь? (Where will you go afterwards?)" Anastasia continued to ask. Ina now laughing said "Ты же знаешь, я не могу тебе сказать. (You know I can't tell you)", "С тобой не весело. (You are no fun)" Tia smiled and stopped the inquiry, knowing Ekaterina wouldn't break. "я буду скучать по тебе. (I'll miss you)" Ina took her friend's hand in hers. "Не так сильно, как я буду скучать по тебе. (Not as much as I'll miss you)". In a flirty manner Ekaterina got closer and gave Tia a kiss on the cheek while saying "Знаешь, если бы ты не встречалась со Скарлетт, я бы, наверное, отвела тебя в твою квартиру, поцеловала бы тебя и попрощалась с сексом. (You know, if you weren't seeing Scarlett, I'd probably take you back to your flat, kiss you and have goodbye sex with you)", Anastasia laughed remembering how that was their "usual" way of saying goodbye every time one of them left for work. "Это были хорошие времена. (Those were good times)" Volkova replied smiling. "Держу пари, я чертовски хорош в сексе. (You bet, I'm fucking good at fucking)" a proud Ekaterina spoke, joking around she looked at Tia saying "Я поражен, что ты не влюбился в меня. (I'm surprised you haven't fallen in love with me)". "О, я сделал и мы все знаем, как это было. (Oh, I did and we all know how that went)" to that, both girls started laughing. "Для протокола, ты второй лучший секс, который у меня когда-либо был, и ты был отличным любовником. (For the record, you are the second best sex I've ever had and were a great lover)" Anastasia informed. "ВТОРОЕ!? Пфф, я оскорблен. (SECOND!? Pfff, I'm offended)" the lawyer said with a surprised look. "Прости, Скарлетт действительно знает, что делает. (Sorry, Scarlett really knows what she's doing)" the brunette smirked. "Shut up" Ina rolled her eyes.

The bickering between the two continued, they had so much fun. They visited a few places during the day, and at night, they went to a bar to have some fun. By the time it was 2:00am, they decided it was time to head back. They went to bed together, cuddled and fell asleep. The next morning they woke up early as usual; they decided to train together and sadly, around 11:00 am, Ekaterina was all set to go to the airport and leave.

Both girls were standing in front of each other and Ina's jet was right behind her. "Так вот оно что. (So this is it)" the brunette said with a sad smile and her hands in her back pockets, "Позвони, если что-то понадобится, я пришлю сюда еще парней, просто в качестве предостережения. я люблю тебя. (Call if you need anything, I'll send more guys here just as a cautionary measurement. I love you)" Orlova replied going in for a hug. "Я тоже тебя люблю, детка. (I love you too, babe)" hugging back tightly, Anastasia said.  Some time later, they let go and just like that Ekaterina was on the jet  on her way back to Germany and Anastasia was driving back to her temporary place in New York.

Anastasia's POV

I'm sad, I won't lie. Seeing Ina leave is always hard. Mostly, because I never know when I'll see her again. Things have been better lately and having her with me again made it so much better. I miss her already and she hasn't even been gone for more than an hour, I'm pathetic. On the other hand, I'll be distracted, I have work to do, I have to pack and I have to make a few phone calls to make sure everything is ready for my arrival in Los Angeles. I'm happy about spending more time with Scarlett and Elizabeth, those two make my life less lonely. I just hope things remain simple, if I disliked New York, I dislike L.A even more because of the paparazzi. I don't want my face all over the Internet and I'm sure it won't be easy since Scar and Liz have been getting a lot of attention due to Marvel. Let's just hope I can live in peace while being there.

— 3 days later —

Everything is set for the trip. I'll be leaving today. Ekaterina called as soon as she left and informed me she had notified my assistant to send 3 of my guys down here to accompany me to L.A. They arrived yesterday so, now it's Dimitri, Alexei, Ivan, Marko, Viktor and I. We're quite a group. I missed seeing them all together, they can be quite annoying but they've worked for me ever since I moved to Switzerland and we're all a big family. Of course, the rest of the staff is back home and I miss them but I'll go back soon enough.

Unlike Dimitri, Alexei and Viktor, Ivan and Marko are Ukrainian so it's always fun to see them make jokes about us, Russians. There's a little bit of a rivalry, personally, I have more of a neutral stand but it's still amusing to hear them joke around.

We would be arriving in L.A around 11:00am today. I haven't texted Scarlett since Ina left, she's been quite busy and on set quite a lot. Lizzie, on the other hand, has been texting me a little more, she's still busy but not as occupied as Scarlett. I hadn't exactly told them when I would be arriving, they knew it would be this week but not when. So, as soon as I land at the airport, I will go to the Warner Bros Studios, talk to a few people for the campaign I will be doing and go surprise them afterwards.
Hollywood here I come.

The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ