#24: good heart

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After an hour to two of keeping them away from Alfea most of the girls had to go back inside to rest, being in fairy form for too long really takes a toll on your energy. 

I look back at Pearl who's about to collapse, "pearl go back with the others" I tell her as I keep throwing these green glowing balls of energy at the monsters. 

"I'm ... fine" she strains out as I see her wings slow down they're fluttering. 

I hurry to her side before she can fall, "come on" I put my arms around her waist as I fly her over inside where the fairies are resting and eating to get their energy up. 

As soon as we get down she de-transformed and fell down to her knees. "I told you" I give her a smirk and she rolls her eyes at me. 

"I'll be fine, go kick some butt for me" I give her a wink as one of the specialist helping comes and escorts Pearl to a tent. 

I look around at all the exhausted faces, using your magic to this extent is dangerous and yet everyone here was willing to sacrifice their health to stop these witches. I feel my anger rising, they want to fight us and hide behind their monsters. 

I fly back over to the west wall where only one enchantix fairy was throwing spells at the monsters, I join her as I feel my irritation rising. 

"NATURES FURY" I scream throwing so many glowing green balls of anger at the monsters I lost count. 

I hear a few laughs and feel my body tense up, I look around glaring as I wait for them to finally stop hiding. "seriously i'm tired just stop hiding" I fly up looking around as I cross my arms over my chest. 

The enchantix fairy I was with earlier gives me a panicked look, "what are you doing!" she whisper shouts. 

"trust me, she wants revenge" I told her back as I heard some noise behind me. 

"umbra radius" I hard see weird mumbling behind me making me start to turn around but I was blasted by some powerful magic from behind making me lose focus. 

I fall fast towards the ground with no time to do anything except flinch my body and prepare for impact. I hold my shield out in front of me hoping it'll help with the impact. 

pain spreads across the entire right side of my body as I slide along the courtyard, once I stop I push myself back onto my feet as I look up to see the three witches flying above. I dig my feet into the ground as angry spreads through my body. 

"Lillly!" my head snaps over to Ray as he rushes over to my side. 

He grabs my arm helping me stand but I get blasted back, pain spreads throughout my somatic as I clutch my arm over it. That's gonna leave a mark. 

Ray is by my side again but I push him back, "stay out of the way" I snap at him so coldly. 

I fly up, "come on Jacinta!" I shout as I grow my anger into a ball of magic, this should hurt. I smile. 

"LIFE FURY!" I scream, all the anger I felt being poured into the dark green beam that blasts Jacinta out of the sky and down into the ground as she falls. 

 I dig her into the ground as a smirk grows onto my face as I finish up the spell and let the dust settle, there's no way she's fine after that, "this just got fun" she groans as she stands up and flies up to me throwing dark orbs of magic at me. 

Thankfully Professor Pyrite would be proud because of his defense and flight agility classes are coming in handy. I dodge her orbs and start another spell, "natures hurricane" I smirk when the wind around her starts swirling with branches and leaves surrounding her. 

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