#21: safe & sound

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After reading all the enchantix books about fairy dust and healing magic there's nothing about combining the two.

"I think if all the healing fairies make some sort of healing pollen if we mix it with the fairy dust it should break the spell and wake everyone up" I tell everyone as I close one of the books.

"You want to create your own merging spell? It could be dangerous" nurse Patty puts out as she also closes the book she had open in her hand.

"I think if all the healing fairies focus on healing the poisoned cells instead of waking them up it could work" maybe they think it's stupid.

"That sounds wonderful....I'll call the enchantix fairies" Catling goes out of the room and I stand up stretching. Even my wings are sore.

"Ready girls" I smile at the 2 other healing fairies who stand up transforming looking determined.



We're all outside with 10 enchantix fairies plus cindy flying above me and the other healing fairies.

We're flying above the sleeping guests. "Ok ready girls?" I ask and look around and they both nod and we make a circle/triangle above all the sleeping figures.

"Dark air leave, clear breath replace" I said as I start forming a glowing ball of healing pollen in the middle.

"Pollen do your job, clean and swab" the other fairy, Reki, said.

A giant ball of magic pollen grows in the middle of us.

"NOW THE FAIRY DUST" I shout to the fairies and they start pouring their magic fairy dust. We released the pollen into the air and it mixes with the fairy dust and covers everyone.

We all fly down and wait for a little bit. No one is moving. I sigh. "It didn't work" I mumble. Reki puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey it's okay....it was a new type of magic" I smile at her as we hear noises. I gasp and look over to see people sitting up and waking up.

"IT WORKED!!" I jump up cheering.

I rush over to a woman who was sitting up. "What....happened?" She looks around confused. I give her a smile.

"We'll explains everything" I help her up.


After a couple of hours explaining to people what happened and why they're at Alfea we managed to get everyone home safely.

I sigh and lay down on a blanket we had on the grass in the courtyard. I look up at the stars and close my eyes.

"Hey Lilly I'm going up to the room" I look over as Cindy shouts when she walks by me.

"I'll go soon" I let her know as I close my eyes again. It's nice out tonight, nothing too cold, not too hot a nice chill night.

I watch the stars and draw lines connecting them.

"You come here often?" I hear a guys voice behind me.

I tilt my head back looking at an upside down Ray smiling at me with his cute little face.

"I'm here most nights" I lightly laugh and pat the space next to me. He sits down and lays back his head next to mine.

"How are you feeling?" He asks grabbing my hand.

"Honestly?" He hums "I'm tired I need a vacation from magic" I told him honestly. "Sometimes I miss earth life, it was easier"

He plays around with my hand. "When the school break comes maybe you can relax? we get a month off between semesters"

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