#17: visit home

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Lilly POV:

I'm flying through the forest and something hit me. There's blood everywhere. I'm falling down and the tree branches stabbing and poking against my skin.

I land on the ground with pain spreading through my body. I heard a roar behind me.

I sit up gasping. Oh a dream. It was just a dream. I look down I'm in my pajamas. Was the whole thing a dream? It felt so real.

It's dark outside. I stand up walking to the kitchen looking for something to eat. Strong arms wrap around me. "Your awake" Ray says squeezing me tightly into his chest.

"It wasn't a dream?" I push him back a little looking up at him.

He gives me a sad smile. "It wasn't a dream....you've been sleeping for 2 days" my eyes open wide.

"2 DAYS? What happened with the Minotaurs?" I look around the room all the girls and the guys are here.

"Lil....sit down" Cindy smiles patting the spot on the couch next to her. I sit next to her as she gives me a side hug.

"Ok someone tell me what happened....you guys are scaring me" I look around the room.

"I found you unconscious in the west woods.....you lost a lot of blood from a gash on your side and there was a dead Minotaur near you laying on broken trees" Brady explains to me. "I thought you were dead" he whispers

Aw he was worried. I remember. "Do you remember what happened after I left?" Cindy asks holding my hand.

I sigh. "I remember....my magic didn't do anything" I groan frustrated. "I flew away trying to give Cindy some time to get away with the other fairies. How are they?" I turn to Cindy.

"They're both fine! The Minotaur caught them by surprised knocking them out but they're okay" she smiles "now finish the story"

"I tried all my spells. Everything possible but it barely scratched him. he threw the axe hitting me and knocking me down. I manages to throw his axe far away to buy distract him. I went back to the Alfea wall but I didn't see anyone and the Minotaur was back. I managed to get a barrier around me and held it forever....." I've never been scared before until that moment. "The beast keep attacking the barrier and when he...started pushing down it started fading I felt a strong power take over and I....killed it."

"Oh lilly....you were strong! That's all that matters" Cindy hugs me.

"why did the monsters attack? What happened?" I look around

"They took the diamonds." Bella says

My brain freezes. They have all 3 blood diamonds. Ugh. Why couldn't I be stronger. "What are we doing?"

"Catling and all the head masters are in a meeting with the leaders of the other worlds....their forming an army to try and get rid of the witches....we're all just waiting for them to attack at this point" Cindy explains.

"So what we just sit here doing nothing?" I look around the room and Ray gives me a small smile. "I have to check on Rose" I stand up walking to my room.

"We're all supposed to stay until we know what's happening." Ray comes in after me.

"I have to...." He grabs my wrists holding me still.

"Please lilly....I thought I lost you I can't go through that again" his eyes are red and dark bags are under them.

I cup his cheek. "Ray....I'm never going to leave you. I'll always find my way to you....okay?" I give him a kiss.

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