52 : Reunion

247 14 28

Log 21 :

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This wasn't how it was supposed to go at all.

Fan's in one of the operating rooms at the moment, though I have no idea how much is salvageable at this point. Hopefully this won't be fatal, but I have backup protocols for a reason.

I did the checkups with all subjects. The main subject's vitals are holding steady, which is for the best. I have made some discoveries with Trophy during his and Knife's check-ins, but I don't have the time to write everything down.

I know I shouldn't act on a whim like this, but unless I want some of my research going down the drain, I have to resort to this. I'll just have to hope for the best.


"What happened?" Trophy couldn't help but speak up from the back of the room. He had no plans on intervening, though with what he had been hearing, he had an odd feeling he might need to anyways.

...He didn't receive a response, save for a small glance from Knife.

He paused for a moment after the glance. If Knife was visibly concerned, then Trophy doubted it was anything good. His hopes hadn't been high in the first place, but this just affirmed them.

"Fan.." Test Tube said quietly, followed by a couple light footsteps. "Fan, I'm so-"

"Shut up." Fan's voice cracked as he sobbed, his tone a mess of anger, pain, and confusion. As if he couldn't decide what to feel at the moment.

Hesitantly, Trophy walked towards the door, trying to access the situation. Sound alone gave him a general clue on what happened, though he still couldn't tell completely.

And as he looked out the door, he couldn't help but let out a small, inaudible gasp.

Fan tried to hold himself up on the floor, his hands covering his face. There was a small tear above one of his eyes, and the undamaged one was an oddly familiar pink shade. Blood dribbled down, so he leaned forward so it would fall onto the floor rather than being absorbed by his paper.

Test Tube's back was facing the room, though purely from her posture alone it was clear this sight had struck her. One of her hands was quite bloodied, with an equally reddened pen laying on the floor.

For a good minute, the room was pure silence, except for Fan's heavy breathing. He stared blankly towards the floor, as his hands slowly lowered. The damage to his other eye was incomprehensible, with a good amount of his vitreous visible.

Test Tube stared forward, her breathing hitching. Her hands shook, as she lifted her arm to reach out, only to lower it again after realizing there was nothing to reach for. "...Fan, I didn't mean to."

He didn't respond, only letting out a small sob. His arms dropped completely, as he looked blankly at his hands on his lap.

The scientist looked back at Knife and Trophy for a second. She looked almost frustrated, though she knew she didn't have any reason to blame them. She grabbed the door handle with a stifled sigh, trying to close the door.

"Don't." Fan blurted, jolting up as soon as he noticed. Test Tube hesitated, but she let go of the door nonetheless. "Why... why do you keep trying to do this?"

This time, it was her turn to not respond. Her hand lowered, as she let out a quiet breath through her lips.

A beat more of nothing. Then another, then another, before it was an entire cacophony of silence.

Finally, Test Tube decided to take the first actual movement. She closed the door, regardless of what argument it may spark up. Knife quickly moved his hands away, not wanting his fingers to get stuck in the door.

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