13 : Room

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Cold. That was the one word Soap could find to describe the sensation, cold. As a ghost, you're normally immune to anything to do with temperature, but right now she felt as chilled as can be. She could've sworn she was warm just some time ago though, why was she cold right now?

Tired. That was the second word she came up with to describe it. She was tired. Again, something ghosts normally don't have to deal with. She wanted the warmth of sleep again, but she actively felt herself waking up. It was loud in the room, which was normal considering her roommates. But she needed a bit more sleep, and for that to happen her roommates would need to be quiet.

"Bow, can you try to tune it down a bit..?" Soap muttered lazily, her words slurring together from sheer exhaustion. She couldn't tell what Bow said in response, but she could definitely hear the other ghost speak.

Soap only nodded off again, trying to fall asleep again.

Then, just a couple seconds later, she felt herself wake up completely. She came to a couple realizations, quickly realizing that she needed to be awake.

The first thing that set her off is that ghosts can't sleep. They don't get hungry or tired or any of that, as they don't need anything to survive so their brain never sends the signals. The second thing that set her off was that Bow of all people was panicking about something.

The third and final thing that alerted Soap was the fact she could feel the ground beneath her, physically. She was making contact with something physical. Once again, not something ghosts are supposed to be able to do.

She tuned into reality, squinting her eyes as she observed the room she was in. The first thing she noticed was the thinly painted multicolored walls. The one in front of her was a gentle shade of green, the one to her left was red, and the one to her right was yellow. She turned around, seeing the last wall was blue. None of the colors were very bright, they felt like they were only there for the sake of being there.

The second thing she noticed was the fact that Bow was sitting right next to her, visibly panicked. The pink, tattered object was mumbling something, rubbing at her legs. Soap tried her best to listen, though Bow spoke quickly and her words mixed together.

"OhgodwherediditgoIdontwanttohavethesethingsohmygodohmygodwhereismytailwhere-" Bow cut herself off once she noticed Soap beside her. "Okay you're awake- Do you have any idea why the hell my tail isn't here?"

Soap hesitated for a moment, observing the other pink object. Bow was still ripped at the sides, though she had her flushed pink color back instead of the pale pink that she had during her death. And she had legs. Not her ghost tail, just her legs.

"I... don't know." Soap said. She looked down at herself as well, finding that she also had her legs back. She felt her sides, realizing her gunshot wounds had disappeared as well.

"No! Having a tail was the only thing fun about being dead, it can't be gone!" Bow pouted, crossing her arms.

"I think we have bigger problems at the moment." Soap said, wearily standing up. To her surprise, it was relatively easy. It was as if she had never lost her legs, like she had never adjusted to her tail. "Where are we?"

"...Narnia?" Bow suggested. "I dunno, this definitely isn't a room from the mansion."

"I see that." Soap murmured. She observed the room closer, though was still extremely hesitant. She had no idea where she was, she didn't want to risk setting off a tripwire or something.

The floor was padded with white, and was bouncy under her feet. It reminded her of the white room's flooring. God, it had been a while since she thought of the white room. There weren't any beds, however there was a giant but thin blanket pile relatively close to where she was standing.

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