55 : Explanation

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Trophy hadn't been expecting the best with his explanation. So much had happened in the last month, and it would practically take the entire day to tell it all without leaving out details. He knew he had made some... questionable choices, ones that the others would undoubtedly dig deeper into.

But when it came to reactions, he knew they wouldn't be good, but he hadn't been expecting something this extreme.

"But- but why?!" Soap said, her voice a little too high as she held herself back from diving straight at the other object.

"I was still in shock from the last few months." Trophy said, his quieted voice a pale contrast from Soap's.

"I know, but... you can't just do that." Soap's voice dropped quickly, concern eating her from the inside out.

"So that's what all of those are from?" Lightbulb asked, a hint of guilt in her voice. Her eyes flitted between his arms, his eyes, and Mic, as if asking for confirmation.

"Pretty sure, yeah." Knife nodded. "It's not like I was paying too much attention to them, but if there are any changes, it'd be pretty minor."

A slight bout of silence set over the room. Trophy stared down at himself, unsure on how to follow up on that without just making them more concerned. Not that they didn't have a reason to be- they had every right to be worried for him with what he just said.

"So..." Bow mumbled, thinking. "That's how the red guy ended up here, isn't it?"

"You mean Fan?" Lightbulb said, joining the other's train of thought. "It... might be. He came here around the time I arrived, didn't he?"

"That'd have to be it then." Soap nodded. Although she tried to join the other two, the concern on her face was still very much evident. "How- how did the rest of the hotel react? To, y'know..."

"You don't have to be vague about it, I really don't care." Trophy said upfrontly. "And I don't know what they would've done afterwards. They got some bandages on me, but I didn't stay around much longer to find out anything else."

"What?" Lightbulb said, her breath catching in her throat out of shock. Her eyes were wide, her voice almost shaken.

"You ran away?" Bow asked, a bit surprised herself.

"Basically, yeah." Trophy nodded. He opened his mouth to explain further, but before he could get another word out, he was interrupted.

"With open wounds?!" Soap panicked. Her eyes scanned Trophy for extra injuries for what must've been the millionth time today. "Do you know how risky that was?"

"I know, I know, bad decision." Trophy huffed. "But I brought extra bandages and antibiotics, as well as the basic survival stuff. I was prepared."

"You... you just left though." Soap muttered. Her pure concern felt almost infectious, but Trophy tried his best to shake it off and just get the story over with.

"I had been preparing for a while, just in case. But I was always sure it was just some delusion I needed to ignore." Trophy admitted, his hand moving to the back of his neck. "I had everything set beforehand though. I wasn't going unprepared."

"Then... how did the others react?" Lightbulb asked hesitantly, unable to get the concern out of her voice.

"I'm not the one you'd ask for that." Trophy said, before vaguely gesturing beside himself. Knife looked up with a scowl.

"Nope, you finish your part first." Knife grumbled bluntly.

"It was worth a shot." Trophy looked back, taking another deep breath before continuing. "I don't know everything they were planning on, but I knew that being sent to a mental hospital was definitely a possibility. And I can't blame them, I probably did need some sort of help. But I wasn't planning on going to the hospital for a disorder I didn't have."

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