15 : Laptop

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Trophy silently scrolled through his camera's saved photos, lounging in his chair. It was mostly nature photos, all of them being from some time before the lab incident last year. Even if he didn't do much photography nowadays, it was still nice to look at the old pictures.

At the moment, all of the previous lab victims were hanging out in the library. OJ was in the chair beside Trophy's reading something aloud, mostly to himself. Tissues was still fairly tired, but he was still trying his best to listen to what OJ said. Trophy wasn't paying attention to the words, not being too interested in the story.

Lightbulb and Pepper were talking about something at the other side of the room. The conversation was mostly spoken in sign language, ASL to be specific. Lightbulb seemed to forget she could still talk normally, most likely because Pepper couldn't. From what Trophy picked up from the conversation, it was something to do with Paintbrush's art classes. Even though Trophy still took said art classes, he also didn't care enough to take part in the conversation.

Ever since he started his medication, he noticed himself becoming numb to a lot of things. He didn't care as much about the other victims of the lab incident, even though he used to find himself caring about them more than himself at times. That's not to say he became egotistical though, he didn't necessarily care about himself much either now.

He also found it harder to care about the negative things though. That's what the medication was supposed to help with anyways, the numbness was just an unwanted side effect. It was an okay sacrifice in his opinion. Or maybe it wasn't, and he just didn't care. He didn't know, and he didn't care enough to look further into it.

His camera was one of the only things he still found emotion in. He wasn't completely devoid of emotion towards everything else, it was just that nothing felt like real emotion. He couldn't explain it, but he knew that looking through the camera roll helped him out mentally.

He paused as he swiped to the next photo. It wasn't often that he got this far in his camera roll, so he hadn't known what to expect. Out of all of the things he was expecting though, none of them had been this.

It was just a picture of Soap. That was all it was, it shouldn't have evoked much emotion. Yet he couldn't take his eyes off of it.

The specific photo had been in a small photo shoot Trophy had done, mostly just for the heck of it. Pre-lab incident, it was just a way to waste time while on a quick stroll with Soap. This photo shoot in particular happened to be the one where Trophy had taken the photo in Soap's frame as well.

He remembered exactly what this one was supposed to be. He had just taught Soap how to get butterflies to land on her finger without being scared away. Trophy had learned the skill to photograph them, but Soap just wanted to take a closer look at them in real life. So he taught her. The photo was taken to remember the moment. Once again, just for the heck of it.

Soap looked so happy. She was living in the moment, just happy to be alive. It was weird to think that some months ago that wouldn't be a double entendre, but here we are.

He missed those days. Who wouldn't? Back then he was at least able to feel emotions in his day-to-day life without them feeling false. He was sure Soap missed the days where she could walk through the garden with Trophy as a break in between her cleaning sessions as well.

...No, dead people couldn't feel anything. Trophy ridiculed himself for thinking such a thing. This is why he was on medication in the first place, because he couldn't get this stupid mindset out of his head.

"Trophy?" OJ asked, looking over at him. Trophy spaced back into reality, realizing OJ must've seen the photo displayed on the camera. Trophy sighed, turning the camera off.

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