50 : Check

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"So would you say it's improved, worsened, or stayed the same since the procedure?"

"I mean.... About the same? I've adjusted to it a little, but I can't see clearly with my eye now. It has an almost pink hue to it?"

Fan rubbed the side of his head, tilting it a bit. Test Tube only nodded in response, writing his response down.

The lack of improvement was something she had expected. She knew that it wouldn't be the same as his normal vision, and that J-2's body structure was far from the same as his. The only thing that confused her about this was the pink tint he had to his vision. She'd have to ask J-2 about that later.

"And do you feel like your vision may improve in the future?" Test Tube asked, looking back up from her clipboard. Fan somberly shook his head in response.

"No... not really." He muttered, glancing at the wall beside him.

Once again, Test Tube nodded, writing down his response. The whole process was a bit boring, but it was necessary to measure the results of the experiment.

"Alright... that should be it then." Test Tube said. Fan gave a small smile, standing up from his chair. Said chair gave out a creak as he stood, despite how cushiony it was.

"Right, so I just go back to my room?" Fan asked, motioning slightly towards the door.

"If you want to, then sure." Test Tube hummed. "Though if you want one, I do have a bag of lollipops. For cooperating."

Fan let out a chuckle, his eyes creasing as he did. As they always would when he laughed, as far as Test Tube knew. "I mean, sure? Do you do this with the others as well?"

"Mhm. Encouraging, isn't it?" Test Tube responded, a fair amount of humor in her voice. She reached for the cabinet, pulling out a small lollipop before handing it to Fan. "Just brush your teeth afterward."

"What are you, my doctor?" Fan said, almost immediately unwrapping the treat. He put the candy end of it in his mouth as Test Tube responded.

"In a way, sure. And I'm pretty sure you're thinking of dentists." She shrugged, adjusting her lab coat. As she adjusted it, Fan's eyes seemed to squint a little, in a way that looked almost painful with his operation in thought.

He took the lollipop out of his mouth, looking down at her coat. "Why do you adjust your coat so much? It seems fine to me, I mean, it's not wrinkled at all and is on properly."

Test Tube paused for a second, an oddly familiar expression coming onto her face. "It's cold down here, especially considering my body doesn't have a heating system anymore." She looked him straight in the eye, her face having the slightest bit of feigned somberness in it. And at that moment, Fan thought of her as a good actor. She would've had him convinced if he hadn't known her for so long.

"Test Tube, tell me the truth, please." Fan huffed. Test Tube sighed, rubbing her head.

"It's nothing, Fan. I just like adjusting my coat." She said. "Now, feel free to go back to your room."

"Test Tube." He said blankly. He tried his best to maintain eye contact, though she refused, looking towards the door. "...If it's nothing, then why did you try to lie about it?"

"...Just go." She responded. It was clear from the slightly distant tone in her voice that she wasn't going to give him a proper response. He sighed, though began walking towards the door nonetheless.

"You know," he muttered, "we don't have to keep so many secrets from each other. I came down here myself, didn't I? I'm on your side, aren't I?"

"Fan." Test Tube said sternly. He quickly nodded, taking a hasty few steps out the door. "...Sorry, I just need to do some checkups with the subjects as well. It's best to do everybody all at once, right?"

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