46 : Trapped

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Silence. Complete and utter wordlessness made itself comfortable in the room, setting itself into the mood. And despite the discomfort the lack of noise caused Fan, he didn't dare to interrupt it.

Test Tube was sitting right beside him, just as motionless as the air. Not even stirring, with less movement than an unconscious body. Though for somebody who doesn't need to breathe, you could expect that.

Her hand laid ever so close to Fan, though it didn't move any closer. It was simply there if he ever chose to take her hand into his. He had noticed that in the last three or so days, Test Tube had been a lot more... dovey? If that was a valid way to put it. He didn't have the courage to complain about it, but after everything, any sort of positive attention felt sickening.

The memory was as clear as the day it was made. Perhaps that was just because of how recently it happened, but still. Three days ago, ( or was it four? Fan never remembered, ) he had left his room. It was a lovely surprise that Test Tube had let him see Mephone4, with the likelihoods considered. Though now that the moment was past him, he almost wished he had stayed oblivious.

The concrete room was how Fan expected it to be, save for a couple dents and a stain he must've caused when he tried to bash Test Tube's head into the ground. The chains and the powered-off man held up by them were unaffected by anything else that might've happened in the room. And despite the entire underground lab being freezing, Fan could've sworn in that it was colder in that particular room.

Test Tube had been just outside the room. Not close enough for Mephone4 to see her and freak out, but still able to listen to the conversation.

He remembered watching the man come to life. Like some sort of machine, being that he technically was one, Mephone4 was powered on with a single click. Dust coated his unprotected screen, and his brightness was much too low, but in that moment, he had been on.

The lump in his throat was still there from that day. Fan didn't have a clue as to what to say, despite the fact he knew exactly what he wanted to ask. So for a good few seconds, Fan had only looked Mephone4 in the eyes, as the other did the same.

And, to be expected, Mephone4 had been as distrusting as ever. Fan couldn't blame him; if he had been fading in and out of consciousness for the last month in a place he didn't know, he'd also be distrusting.

But the worst part had been Mephone4's facial expression. He had tried to feign courage so hard, but the fear was evident. If Fan had to guess, Mephone4 had been adjusted to being in control from his gameshow. Losing a position like that couldn't be pleasant.

"...Fan, you're not thinking about him again, are you?" Test Tube asked. The tint of genuine care in her voice irked Fan, oddly enough.

"No, just other stuff." Fan lied. It was an obscure enough lie to pass by as the truth, though he doubted he'd be able to back it up if asked anything else. Luckily, Test Tube didn't dig in deeper, only sighing.

Her hand rested on Fan's shoulder, gingerly squeezing it. Although the action was meant to bring comfort, it only made his insides spin. Still, he knew better than to say anything against it.

The day still replayed through his head, the conversation repeating itself as if it was him and Test Tube saying it instead.

"You're not conscious when you're powered off, are you?"

"It's called sleep mode for a reason. Now why aren't you letting me off this damn thing?"

"...I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?!"

"I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't."

Fan stifled a sigh in his throat. He had sounded so weak then, so disappointing, so weak. It was just Mephone4's luck that Fan was the only person available to talk to.

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