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A slight hint of fog coupled with the smoky smell of charred wood filled the air as their group neared what little remained of the village. On either side of the weather-beaten, dirt path, were sparsely packed trees, dotting the fertile land. Beneath their branches lay a thick spread of undergrowth, suffocating from the disappearing trails of smoke that clung desperately to their vibrant leaves. With the vegetation becoming less prominent and visibility clearing, Xavier, who kept his eyes trained on the path ahead, spotted a large man rushing towards them atop a horse at swift yet controlled speeds. Slowing the wagon considerably, Xavier pulled slightly off trail so as to make room for the hurried traveler. As the rider approached, Helen and Liam sat up quickly, both hoping his sudden appearance didn't spell danger for their still recovering group. 

However, besides a quick nod, no words were spoken as he rode past, spurring his mount into a quicker pace. As Alice pulled up alongside them, Liam and Xavier exchanged looks as they both recognized the rider to be none other than the villager, Gram, heading in the direction they'd just travelled in. 

"What was that about?" Liam asked, looking at Xavier for answers. 

"No idea," he responded, "I just hope everything is fine at the village." 

 "Should I go on ahead?" Liam wondered aloud, aura already swirling at his feet. 

"No, perhaps things aren't as they seem," Xavier replied, "We're almost there anyway so why not ask when we arrive."

Nodding, Josh dispelled his aura, tapping his knee as Xavier once again drove them forward. Within a few minutes of travel, the small group arrived at the burnt village. As they maneuvered past fallen bits of debris, Helen, who'd just witnessed the destruction for the first time, wore a somber expression as memories she'd rather forget surfaced. After a a couple minutes of driving over ash-covered, dirt roads, Xavier and his companions finally arrived at the center of the town's square. On arrival, several men and women could be seen, tidying up the aftermath of what Helen assumed to be a great battle. Noticing their presence, the villagers paused their work, casting uncertain glances at each other as an unknown wagon pulled into their ravaged village. However, as the identities of Liam, Xavier and Alice were discovered, the once tense air dissipated immediately as they heartily welcomed their saviours. 

As they disembarked from the wagon, a man rushed over to what was used previously as the jail for the captured villagers. After a few moments inside, a man alongside a young woman burst through the door, hurriedly making their way towards the wagon. As the pair drew closer, Liam instantly recognized them to be the grizzly bearded man and his daughter. 

"You're back!" the man said as his daughter followed closely behind," How'd it go, did you find the traitor?"

"Liam got to him in time," Xavier replied, relieving them both of their worries.

"That's good to hear!" he said in response, "Where are my manners? Our introductions may be a bit late, but I am known as Aglan, and this," he said pointing at his daughter, "is my daughter, Tamera." 

As the pair began to exchange pleasantries, Helen led Tamera to the back of the wagon whilst Liam and Xavier stayed with Aglan. 

"Aglan," Xavier said pulling him to the side, "On our way over we saw Gram heading off somewhere in a hurry. Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine," Aglan replied, calming his worries, "We sent him out to retrieve the escapees now that everything is over."

"Ah I see," Xavier responded as both he and Liam breathed easier, satisfied by Aglan's explanation. 

As things began to settle, a sudden woman's scream pierced through the silent afternoon. Hurrying out to investigate the disturbance, nearby villagers alongside Liam, Xavier and Aglan, rushed toward the back of the wagon, fearing the worst. Much to all of their surprise however, rather than a gruesome scene, they saw Tamera, holding both Julie and Justin tightly, smiling through her tears of joy. 

Series: The Mountain: Book 1: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now