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Ever since we started sailing off towards Delos, I've been having a head-splitting headache. I feel like I keep hearing voices, but it just may be dehydration.

I was sitting on the side of the deck with my legs hanging off, whenever I heard the first one come through.

"Look at your sheikah slate.."

I jump in alarm and searched around me.

"Link, your sheikah slate will guide you..."

I looked down at the sheikah skate attached to my waist. I just now realized, I never did listen to the dream girl when she said that I should take a look at it. I kind of just forgot about the slate for a while. I guess that's just me getting side tracked.

I detached it from my belt and held one hand on the end and one on the handle.

A light shone on my face as I tapped on the screen. As I kept on tapping, I figured out more things about it. There were supplies, food, weapons, a map, even an picture album. I decided to look at my map first. So this was Hyrule?

I scanned it over, seeing many stables, villages, towns, towers, and shrines. It did feel familiar and nostalgic now that I'm looking at it.
Without realizing, I clicked a button that led me to the album. Might as well check it out anyway.

I tapped on the first photo, which I never remembered taking. I leaned forward and squinted my eyes to get a better look.

Just then, it came flooding back to me.


I'm not too happy with this new "Link" guy. He barely talks and basically . I'm starting to think that he may be a Ventus storm spirit like the ones that Jason fought.

I leaned on the railing and gazed into the ripples of the ocean as our ship sailed through the waves and small tides. Annabeth began to walk up to me and I turned my head to the side to face her.

"Hey," She said with a soft smile. Her arm locked around mine and she leaned her head against my shoulder. "What's going on, seaweed brain?"

I sigh and slightly shrug, trying not to move her head, "Just tired, that's all. Been on too many quests for a lifetime."

I felt her smile on my skin, "I hear that. But I'm glad."

"Hm?" I question.

Her face slightly moves up to look at mine.
"Because of everyone we've met."

I chuckle and push her face away with the palm of my hand. I didn't really need a Disney channel inspirational monologue right now.

My features relaxed and I nodded, "I agree. Don't know what'd I do without Jason."

Annabeth punched me in the arm and I tried to defend myself. She gave out her amazing, lovely, sarcastic laugh. Gods, how I loved this girl.

"You'd better be joking." She scrunched her nose. Her sight shifted over to the new recruit. "But back to the reoccurring topic, have we figured out what we're gonna do with the mortal?" Annabeth asked as she motioned towards him.

My head rotated towards the blonde headed boy. His hair was tied in the back with a blue ponytail and was blowing in the cool breeze. He was in the same position he was 10 minutes ago and it seemed like he was frozen. I knitted my brows as I stared at him.

As I turned back to Annabeth and was about to say something, the ship began to shake and rumble. We all groaned, knowing it was another sea monster.

Annabeth grabbed my face and kissed my cheek before heading off towards Piper and Hazel to fight.

I held my cheek she kissed and smiled like a big baby. Even after we've been dating for about two years, her affection still gives me butterflies.

I ran after to Jason who was unsheathing his gladius sword. I did the same when I dug into my pocket to uncap a small blue pen into my celestial bronze sword, riptide, shaped like a trident at the hilt.

At the corner of my eye, a dozen of water monsters emerged from the water and jumped onto the deck.

"Are you serious?" Leo grumbled. "I just cleaned! You got it all wet again!" He balled his fists, and the monsters growled in response. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

Suddenly, we all charged towards the enemies, stabbing and smashing at them. At one point, I lifted Leo up in the air and threw him at them as he was engulfed in fire. He fell funny on his hip and began cracking his neck in pain when he got up. Whoops!

"Sorry dude!" I grinned at him. He looked back at me with an unamused expression.


We had about half of them gone when I realized that Link was still sitting there being very unhelpful.

I threw my hands up and stormed over to him while Frank the shark was getting thrown above the mast.

"Hey, mute!" I threw my hands up in exasperation and shouted at him over all the noise. "You gonna help or not?"

I got no answer.

"HELLO?" I shouted even louder, my hands cupped over my mouth. "YOU CANT JUST SIT THERE, YOU KNOW!"

I got up in his face, which I realized wasn't moving at all. It was in a state of shock and he was literally frozen in place.
I jerked back in reaction and waved my hand back and forth between his eyes. Still no movement. 

My eyes glided towards Annabeth, who was looking back at me while holding off a monster with her drakon bone sword with a concerned and confused face. I shook my head back with the same amount of confusion she had.
Though I would love to stay there and snap in his face for the next 20 minutes, we had enemies to fight.

I jogged back over and snapped my fingers. A wave of water poured over the top of the ship, washing away the remaining sea creatures back into the ocean.

Hazel panted, "Could you... not.. have done that... earlier?"

"Sorry," I apologized to her and Frank helped her up. "Also, that guy is frozen." I pointed over to Link.


We migrated over to him, waiting for him to unfreeze.

"Do you know how this happened?" Piper asked as she snapped in his face.

"Nope," I replied. "No idea."

Frank went over to his side and tapped at the thing that was in the blonde's hands, "Well, what's that?"

I shrugged and he began to lift it out of Link's hand. Just then out of nowhere, Link gasped and opened his eyes wide. He scooted back in a haste and began to breathe heavily, his hand on his heart.

"Woah, dude you okay?" Jason asked, now kneeling by his side.

"Zelda?" Link searched around in a haste.

I shook my head in confusion, "Zel- what now?"

His eyes shot up to mine, still wide and frightened.

"I remember. I remember everything."



Drifted Away | A Botw and Pjo fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz