The Idea

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Disclaimer: I have no idea how to describe a ship :(
Also I put down a part of the BoO in the book because idk how to rephrase it sorry uncle Rick, this isn't a real book that people will buy
Also I changed the name of this chapter because of Gelato Talk and it sounded weird so yeah lol


"Can you walk?" Hazel asked with worry in her eyes.

I took a few steps forward with a tiny limp in my walk. I nodded back at her and Frank and we headed out the door together.

Outside, the rest were staring at a black fog that disappeared in a puff.

Hazel jogged up to them. "Was that Nico?"

"Yup," Piper replied. "He could only stay for a bit until he had to go back to Reyna and Coach Hedge."

Hazel nodded, but her mood seemed a bit ruined.

Frank went up to her and put a hand on her shoulder in reassurance.

Jason cleared his throat, "We should get going." He took a quick glance at me then began to walk away.

Everyone followed and began talking.
I awkwardly just followed behind, trying to listen in to their conversations while looking not interested at all.

All they were talking about was a plan. A plan about what? I still have no idea what quest this is. Have I gone on a quest before? I have no idea.
Ugh, I wish I just had my memories.


Eventually we ended up at the same beach, but at a big bronze boat thing with a dragon head.

As everyone boarded on, I stared up at it with a raised eyebrow.

Leo Valdez stayed behind and stared at me.

"What? Never been on a ship?" He grinned. "You'll be fine, he's my best friend anyway! Festus doesn't bite, pinky promise!" He stuck out his pinky towards my face.

I pushed away his pinky. Is that a yiga sign? What does this pinky sign mean? Also, I'm not sure ships have genders..

He put his pinky back and just blinked at me. "Alright. Anyway, cmon we gotta go." He waved his hand for me to follow him inside.

Hesitantly, I stepped up and entered. Instantly, I was blinded by bright lights surrounded by a wooden cabin interior. There were endless rooms and many blinding windows.

Leo twirled around and stopped in front of me. "Welcome to the Argo II! It's named right after the OG, the Argo. And yes, I made it!" He pointed towards himself with his thumbs and smirked.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be bragging about all of my amazing creations and accomplishments, although I just have so many. Anyway, I'll show you your room. It's our only guest bedroom." He started walking off towards the end of the hall.

We stopped at the door furthest towards the nearest engine room.

He patted me on the back and laughed, "You're lucky coach Hedge isn't here right now, he watched Chuck Norris 24/7.. Welp! You just get settled in, we'll be either in the mess hall or the roof." Leo waved goodbye and walked off while he took out some goggles and adjusted them on the top of his head.

I rolled my eyes at the back of his head and stepped inside of my room. It wasn't anything special. I mean, it just had a desk, a bed and a closet. This could never compare back to my house back in Hateno Village.

I sat on the bed. How I miss that house. Wait, am I regaining my memories now? Oh my Hylia, I remember my house.. i just remember it feels like whenever I was a young child. And Hateno Village.. huh. Wasn't that right by Kakariko Village? Oh my, everything was coming back to me.

Drifted Away | A Botw and Pjo fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant