"...Are you sure they did a proper mental evaluation for you?"

"I can always make this toy knife real and put you back into the condition you showed up in." She calmly threatened me.

"Where did you even...Noted, I'll shut up."

"Good, you're learning!"

...May can be scary.

"Alright. Now get up. Let's see if smacking you fixed everything. Plus...you could really use some sunlight."

"That hurts..."

She stood up and watched me expectantly. I hesitatingly began to pull myself up, marveling at how I mostly only felt sore at worst. I did a few stretches, testing out my flexibility.

"May...this is amazing...seriously I don't even think Levia can do this...good..." My voice died out as I thought of Winter, she probably...won't want to see me anymore, and you can forget about healing.

May looked at me curiously and then made me sit down again. "Look. Do you want to talk about it? All of it? You obviously never told anyone about being Ignite. And being a goody two shoes means you couldn't have let out any of your frustration about people right?"

I looked at her a little shocked. The girl who didn't know how a microwave worked, the one who yelled at ice cream, is now doing some complex reading on my psyche?

I sighed. Maybe...she's right.

I took a deep breath. "Alright, so..."

~Two Hours Later~

I shook my hands around as I yelled at May, well, not AT at her, just in general. "And how did I ever get the most flak for being 'destructive' or a 'menace to personal property and safety'!? I know I had fire powers but I did my best to not break anything! I always got thrown into stuff! For fucks sake the bastards had water and wind! They could make hurricanes! I can't imagine how much mold must've grown from water being everywhere! And the wind?! God that must've been worse! One minute the wind makes you cold, so what do you do? You get a jacket, but then the wind is gone and now it's hot outside again!" I took a deep breath. "Wind's like...worthless until it gets super fast right? He must've caused so much more damage than me!"

~Another Hour Later~

I sat with my head in my hands, my voice breaking as I continue. "—And how was I repaid for trying the hardest? It's like I never even really was a hero! I was like an idol or something! Like some sort of musician! It wasn't until I really started thinking about killing criminals that I realized I had been...used! What happens when Ignite disappears? Nothing! They just replace me as number one with that bag of wind and move on! Shouldn't heroes have big, flashy funerals? I mean how many times did I save this good for nothing city? Just to be...forgotten..."

May patted me on the back sympathetically, a small part of me felt like it was a sarcastic pat on the back. I looked at her and frowned, she had a smirk on her face. "You fuckin talk a lot man."

"Oh wow, thanks 'friend'" I snorted. "I pour my heart out to you and that's all you have to say?" I sighed again as I thought of something else. "All those people know who I am now...what am I supposed to do at school? They'll report me for sure...I'm gonna be kicked out and then I'll be homeless." I put my head in my hands again.

May hummed in thought "Fuck school then."


May looked at me "Just go full time as Sphyx. I know where a few criminals hide out, you can just get rid of them, take it as your hideout so you can stay somewhere, and just go to work. Maybe once they see you're serious about only killing criminals and super criminals they won't bother you as much?"

Twisted (Male Reader x Super Hero Harem)Where stories live. Discover now